Palin, One Hot Separatist

4 09 2008

Funny, I never would have imagined a true patriot and American hero like John McCain would pick a former member of the Alaskan Independence Party to be his running mate.  Either he knew about her views on Alaskan separation from the US (and even the supportive video she made as Governor for their 2006 convention) or he didn’t bother to vet her very well.  So what is it John, are you so cavalier about America that you didn’t really look into the background of your VP or did you know and just not consider that to be relevant? Are you lazy or did you just make a terrible decision?

Your appalling judgment renders your experience irrelevant.  Yet another thing you have in common with Bush.



17 responses

4 09 2008

You’re of course assuming that a State exercising its right to secede from the union is inherently a bad thing. Palin still believes in an independent and self sustaining Alaska.

Perhaps if more states weaned themselves off federal dollars, we’d have a better nation, one where the foibles of federal politicians had less detrimental impact on the average citizen.

4 09 2008

se·cede : To withdraw formally from membership in an organization, association, or alliance.

Um, she wasn’t a member of a group looking for mere fiscal independence this organization is interested in full separation from the US Government. Besides, she was the queen of the pork barrel earmark and was ALL OVER taking federal money wherever she could get it. In fact the LA Times reported that:

“Three times in recent years, McCain’s catalogs of “objectionable” spending have included earmarks for this small Alaska town, requested by its mayor at the time — Sarah Palin.”

I do appreciate you dropping in the sweet juicy right wing talking point though. You’re the best.

4 09 2008

Hey, Mister Innuendo, let’s set the record straight. The following is lifted directly from the AKIP’s website, and omits nothing as a direct quote:

“Most recently I have pulled the entire record regarding the Alaskan Independence Partys’ 1994 Convention file. I went through all the video, audio and paper records for that function. Something I should have done earlier before making the statement that Governor Palin was a member of the Alaskan Independence Party. For that I humbly apologize to Governor Palin, and, to both national and local press, and media.

I, foolishly, repeated and accepted as fact what an officer of this membership shared with myself, and husband Dexter Clark, over a year ago. My statement was incorrect regarding the Governor’s membership. What was correct was that Todd Palin was a member, that Sarah as a candidate for Governor appeared at the AIP Convention in 2006, and sent a welcoming DVD to the membership at the 2008 AIP statewide convention. Those truths do not take away my fault in mis-speaking regarding her membership. For that I do take full responsibility. I hold Governor Palin in high regard, I believe she is far and away the best individual Alaska could have as Governor, and as a woman, mother and wife is one of the best examples walking!

Thank you and again, I apologize to all.

Lynette Clark, Chairman
Alaskan Independence Party
September 3, 2008”

Any Questions?

4 09 2008

Gee, I can’t imagine why Ms. Clark would have any motivation to help her favorite Governor and former member distance herself from such a radical group. So her membership prior to becoming a mayor, the dropping of her membership for political expediency, her husband’s continued membership, her endorsement video for the 2006 AIP convention above, and recorded statements of AIP leadership recognizing her ongoing support are not compelling?

Wow my friend, that must be some tasty Kool-Aid they’re serving up over there.

4 09 2008


L’honnêteté est la meilleure politique, est-elle correcte? (Honesty is the best policy, right?)

And one more French Platitude: Si vous dites la vérité, vous n’avez pas besoin de se rappeler quoi que ce soit. (If you tell the truth, you do not need to remember anything.)

She denies it. The AKIP deny it. Everyone is therefore lying to you?

Look, Super-J, you’ve been a Democrat too long! I mean, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re NOT out to getcha! :-)))


4 09 2008

There’s no way the repugnicans can keep using Michelle Obama’s patriotism quote against her now. Even if it’s true (not) that Sarah Palin had any association with the AKIP, her husband was a member. Todd Palin is a secessionist! Tell me that isn’t worse than Michelle’s poor choice of words.

4 09 2008

Chuck, I give you not only a logical explanation but video proof and yet you’ll take her word for it even though it would better serve her interests if it were not so. You are simply precious aren’t you?

4 09 2008

Video? Proof? Well, you got the first part right. It seems to have been a video, if a little edited for slam effect. As to the proof, well, now, that seems to have been a little lacking. To accept that as ‘proof’ would require a leap of faith these old legs just can’t make any more.

The fat, bearded, balding guy in the undershirt and suspenders really wanted Sarah to be a part of what HE is, a secessionist. Sarah, on the other hand, was emphasizing her willingness to support the whole of Alaska, by even including those with whom she may, or may not, agree.

I can’t stop you from believing that she may agree with them. I can say that I don’t see your video as proof of anything, other than a governor wanting, correctly, very much, to include all her states’ residents as part of the political process. Wonder if the editors are willing to show us the WHOLE of Sarah’s speech on video? And, why do I doubt they are?

Probably because I heard her speech last night, and listened to what she had to say, rather than pre-judging her. I think there is an un-hyphenated word in there somewhere . . .


16 09 2008

For your consideration:
She doesn’t SAY she’s a separatist, but she comes close.
You know, sometimes, people say one thing to one group, Chuck, and then another to a different group. I remember the Log Cabin Republicans being very upset with Bush because he stated he believed gay marriage should be decided by the individual states durring his first campaign run. Then OMG! He lied and ran almost solely on gay marriage and immigration for his incumbant run. They were actually shocked. Silly gay boys.
So what Palin SAYS to all the nation watching and what she SAYS to a smaller group… yeah I think we should be wary of people with tongues hinged in the middle.

16 09 2008

Well the, Joshua, we have to very wary of ALL the candidates then; they – especially Obama – do exactly as you describe. It’s the nature of all salesmen, especially politicians seeking office.

16 09 2008

Now I wonder why Obama is especially anything. lol
He has been pretty straight shooting as far as a politician goes.
I do think it’s funny, though. I have a few friendly folks who hate him. “Why?” I ask. “He’s a liar,” they say (in various ways). “How? What has he lied about?” “He just is. He lies about everything.”
that’s not really specific.
I mean he’s made some statements that are vague, but not promises, like “I don’t believe in the war,” and then has gone and voted for funding of said war. But then, you can be against something and understand the only way to end it is to see it through.

16 09 2008

No, I was referring to Obama dialog and attitudes about various segments of America. His views shift dramatically depending on who he’s talking to at that moment, often to the detriment of the people he talked to the week before. 😉

Obama’s tongue is definitely hinged in the middle and swing more freely than McCain’s or Palin’s. But again, they all do it, just not so well or often as Obama.

16 09 2008

jonolan, I think some specific cited examples would help make your case.

16 09 2008

If I really though there was a hope in Hell of changing anyone’s opinion I might take the time to link to each of Obama’s speeches and provide highlights that showed how he speaks one way to people another way but them in different setting.

Since I doubt that anyone can be convinced, I’ll simply suggest that they look up his speeches and rallies and decide for themselves.

16 09 2008

I’m open to that debate. You can even be lazy like me and just provide links. I’m cool like that.

21 09 2008

@Joshua (00:38:06)

You mean like Senator Obama? Who said WHAT in PA, the said what ABOUT Pennsylvanians?

Gee, Josh, you’re quite right you know. 🙂

21 09 2008

Oh, and BTW, secessionists don’t run for Vice-President . . .


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