Witches, And Why I Do This

19 03 2009

Every so often someone will ask me why I bother with this blog.  Isn’t it only radical religion that’s bad while moderate religion is ultimately benign?  Why do I bother to post videos?  Why do I waste my time grinding out my opinions, arguments, and views in these posts?  Why do I beg people of faith to rationally reconsider the tenets of their chosen devotion and confront the obvious contradictions and hypocrisy therein?

I do this because, by association, moderate religion gives unjustified shelter to radical religion.  Because moderate faith is only separated from radical faith by a few degrees of literalism and commitment.  Because moderate religion demands universal respect for all religious beliefs regardless how ridiculous, immoral, irrational, or criminal they might be.

Need proof?

I could point to how yesterday, despite all scientific evidence to the contrary, the Pope declared that condoms make the spread of AIDS worse…but I won’t.

I could point to the systematic rape of children and polygamy within the FLDS…but I won’t.

I could point to the man who founded a Muslim-American television station (to help fight Muslim stereotypes) and then beheaded his wife with a sword in a traditional honor killing…but even that is not visceral enough.

I will point to this story where yesterday 1,000 people accused of being witches in Gambia have been locked up in secret detention centers and forced to drink a dangerous hallucinogenic potion.  Two have died so far.

I will point to this video that talks about the Pentacostal church teaching fear of witches in Niger Delta and the children who are maimed and killed as witches.

I will point you to the single most disturbing video I’ve ever seen.  It is infuriating and anguishing and I warn you up front that it shows people accused of being witches…being beaten…and burned alive.  This cannot be unwatched and it is not something to view at work or around children.  You have been warned. It is here.

To bring this full circle, as AIDS has taken its horrific toll in Africa, villagers have blamed witches — and not the virus — for the deaths.  (Thanks Pope!)

And lest you think this has no impact on people here in the US…  VP candidate Sarah Palin gave credit to Kenyan Pentecostal pastor Thomas Muthee for her 2006 gubernatorial election victory.  This same pastor began his ministry with a witch hunt against a Kenyan woman he accused of causing car accidents through demonic spells and famously prayed over Palin saying “In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, every form of witchcraft is what you rebuke. ”

The salvation of humanity rests in education and rational thought, not in the outdated superstitions of ancient dogma.  God help us?  Today God can only help us by getting out of the way.  So I do this small thing, this insignificant blog, to try and help bring the insanity and fear out of the dark corners of the world and to replace it with the light of reason and courage.  It isn’t much, but at least it’s something.




28 responses

19 03 2009
Personal Failure

Fight the good fight, my friend. And I couldn’t watch that video. My dreams are bad enough already. I won’t be blaming it on witches, though.

Wait, you know the whole witch thing really bothers me. If you truly believe in only one god, and the preeminent power of Jaysus!(tm), how can you believe that a witch could cause a car accident? It doesn’t make any sense.

I truly agree that moderate religion casts a protective cloak around fundy religion. Any time I go after fundys, I get this comment, “Well, most christians aren’t that bad. They’re nice people. You’re being mean. Whah!”

Well, then, speak out against fundys. Name yourself something different. Do something- anything to differentiate yourself from the fundys or accept that you are protecting them.

19 03 2009

I couldn’t watch the whole video either but what I did watch was enough to disturb me enough to write this blog. I genuinely appreciate your support.

Super J.

19 03 2009
Personal Failure

That is why i love the Slacktivist, btw. He absolutely does speak out against Christian fundamentalism. All the time. In no uncertain terms. I still think theism in general is rather silly, but I can get behind Fred and his kind beliefs.

19 03 2009

I checked him out on your recommendation. Anyone who can talk about the AIG bonuses and notice that “Screwing over millions of formerly hard-working people ought to be its own reward” is okay by me. 🙂

19 03 2009
Personal Failure

yeah, i like fred. i highly recommend the longest book report of all time, aka his takedown of the Left Behind series, well, the first book so far. It is an illuminating look at xtian fundamentalism, and very well done. and funny, too!

19 03 2009

I resent that you place Pastafarianism in the same context as other religions.
May his noodly appendage fall lightly on your shoulder. Ramen.
(I am at work, and unable to view video, so I have trepidations about being snarky here)

19 03 2009

No sweat, I could use a little pirate love today. I don’t really know what that means but I’m hoping it involves strippers and beer volcanoes.

19 03 2009

I know all about “moderate” christianity. Right now I am living with it. These moderate christians believe that gays are going to hell, that Lee Strobel is a brilliant writer, and that I am likely to burn as well(but I might be saved, because I’m just a little crazy). BUT, they aren’t judgmental. And even though they think the fundy’s are crazy, FSM forbid you should stop prayer in school, In God We Trust on money, or that we take God out of the pledge. That is just communism you know.

Keep up the good fight and the good works. We need a rational voice in a sea of irrationality. One person at a time, SJ….one person at a time. 😉

19 03 2009

Judge not, lest bla bla bla. Fuck them. Someone can believe they have a soft serve dispenser in their ass for all I care, but when they start serving up shit milkshakes I think we’re all allowed to call crazy where we see it.

Thank you for the vote of confidence.

20 03 2009
Personal Failure

thank you for the 2 girls, 1 cup reminder.

19 03 2009

That video was horrifying…. Superstition is a terrible waste of mind.

19 03 2009

Yeah, no kidding.

20 03 2009

Mmm. Witches are best when they’re basted with garlic butter.

Hm. You should probably remove this comment, since my interest in cannibalism is faith-based.

20 03 2009

I’m hoping you didn’t watch the video, because I would hate to think you did and could still write that.

21 03 2009

No, I did not. Your warning was enough for me. And, I suppose, irony does not play in print.

21 03 2009

Sorry to sound all serious and heavy. The video is really disturbing and it’s hard to imagine making a joke after seeing it. I rather figured you didn’t see it, we’re all good.

21 03 2009

My hands are shaking with helpless disgust. So many people that look away or elect not to watch don’t realize how horribly wrong treating religion as a benign can go, or they don’t want to see it up close. It makes turning a blind eye to it easier if they don’t have to confront the consequences. While horrific to think, if they want religion taught in schools, I want both sides represented. Not just the fairy tail imagery of the pro’s but the disturbing imagery of the con’s. They can make little rubber fetus dolls to plead for sympathy for the unborn, but how come they don’t have rubber dolls of the charred remains of a witch burning. Oh yeah, save the unborn because they may be believers, but once they are old enough to express a different opinion… DIE WITCH!!!

21 03 2009

There are so many that will dismiss these actions as “those crazy Africans” while conveniently forgetting that Christians taught them everything they know about burning people alive under the pretense of witchcraft.

24 03 2009

I am in full support of this comment by “enraged”. I can’t think of a thing to add, as I am completely horrified at the moment and at a loss for anything coherent to say.

24 03 2009

B..b…b.but, the Religion of Peace!

24 03 2009


24 03 2009

This is a powerful post and I appreciate your writing it, as well as everything else you post here. I don’t comment as often as I read, but I support what you do and understand your reasons.

Thank you for this awesome blog!

24 03 2009

Thanks, I sincerely appreciate that.

25 03 2009

Honest to Christ. Each word is a punch in the balls to those who deserve it. Keep up the good work.

26 03 2009

Finally watched the video. I could not watch more than 30 secs.

26 03 2009

Yeah…I know.

26 03 2009

Disgusted hardly qualifies how I feel.

9 05 2017

This ini’thgss just the way to kick life into this debate.

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