More Prophet Muhammad Cartoon Madness

12 05 2010

NOTE: I’ve updated this post to add even more pictures of the Prophet Muhammadcafter the horrific attacks against Charlie Hebdo. I promise I’ll continue to accumulate and display as many pictures as I can find every time any of these psychopathic extremist cowards attack anyone who would draw a picture of their imaginary friend. You’re welcome.

So once again Muslims have lost all sense of rational thought and gone berzerk.

Yesterday the Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks, who sparked controversy by drawing the Prophet Mohammed on the body of a dog, was attacked. Here’s the video.

Here are is the image that Lars drew that made these devout followers of the “religion of peace” come unhinged.

Now I can understand a newspaper editor somewhere being upset that the cartoon is poorly drawn and as funny as The Family Circus, but how is that rubbish worth even getting a little upset over?

I mean compared to some of the other choice pictures of the Prophet Muhammad I think this one is barely distinguishable and therefore a pretty weak bit of chicken scratch to be getting all worked up over don’t you think?

Now these other pictures…well I can totally understand wanting to go berserk over these.

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Here’s the ironic part, as far as I know the Quran itself does not explicitly forbid images of Muhammad.  Seriously, go look it up.  There are a few supplemental hadith that have been written that explicitly prohibit Muslims from creating visual depictions of religious figures (including Muhammad) but since I’m not a Muslim I’m pretty sure I’m not even breaking those rules.

But this isn’t about the rules.  This isn’t even about a paradoxical god who is apparently omnipotent enough to know that I re-posted these pictures but too impotent to do anything about it himself.  No, this is about religious leaders getting their followers offended and incensed over nonsense slights in an attempt to misdirect the conversation away from the corruption of the leaders and the implausibility of their religion.  All religions do this to one degree or another, it’s just that many Islamic leaders go way too far and goad their followers to murder.

I personally suspect that 99.9999% of Muslims would not even contemplate killing someone who drew (or displayed) these cartoons on the Internet.  If that’s true then the only people I’m offending are the .0001% of Muslims who are irrational fanatical zealots who frankly should be mocked and ridiculed for holding such ridiculous beliefs. So mock and ridicule I shall.

By remaining silent in the face of such absurdity is to concede to their madness, and I will not.  In doing so I hope to plant a seed of doubt in the believer’s mind that maybe all all these “truths” are simply ridiculous old stories which have no basis in reality and should be ignored.

It probably won’t work, but I somehow feel the need to at least try.



359 responses

12 05 2010

Fundamentalists are like that. They always want to control everyone. It’s not good enough simply to control themselves. This is why religion is dangerous. Its adherents know not how to live and let live. Watching that video inspires me to say this: Fuck Allah! Declare fatwah on yourselves, assholes!

26 11 2012

we r giving open challenge to u mother fucker——come n tel on face u blody son f bitch one day wil come u all wil read LA ILA HA ILL-LAL-LA-MOHAMMED-RASUL-ALLAH————

9 01 2015


9 01 2015

Whatever. Is your all powerful god *really* that upset by a drawing, and if so why doesn’t he (in his infinite power) do something about it himself? The answer is either:

1) he doesn’t care about cartoons and hence does nothing about it
2) he’s completely impotent and cannot do anything about it himself or
3) he’s a fiction made up by men to manipulate fools

So which one do you really think it is?

9 03 2015
Laiba Ditta

I know dog feel like murdering him inshallah he will go to Hell and we will fight back dog your religion don’t exist only Islam does and Allah is our only god so yeah oh nd my name is a is ha not labia watch on the day of judgement jealous devil can’t wit to see you rot in hell

9 03 2015

Thank you for your thoughtful and considered opinion. Your comment has helped shed new light on this conversations and goes a long way towards improving a flawed perception of your religion. You are a shining example of what it is to be a good and tolerant Muslim.

5 08 2017

How dare u share they fake stupid pics. Don’t u have any shame what if people started drawing funny pics of Jesus. People would go crazy and blame it on the poor innocent muslims. In the Quran itself it says that there is no picture of the prophet Muhammad anywhere. So please reflect on this and have a bit of shame making fun out of people’s religion. People think Islam is a bit ISIS and bombing but it isn’t it’s all just a lie and blame. Islam means peace and we need to have this in the world.

25 09 2018

FUCk you’re prophet Mohammed …he is a joke. A fictitious prophet, child molester, piece of shit.

3 05 2019

Not only does PIG 🐽 allah 🐽 and PIMP Muhammad suck upon my DICK, ancient prick, so does your wrinkled, burka ridden, whore cunt Mum, after I fuck her up the arse, without the benefit of Vaseline, mind you. She likes the taste of her own shit on her tongue while she shags my dirty, shit-covered prick with her willing mouth after it has been in her arse.

She even thanks PIG 🐽allah🐽 every time I shoot my slimy cum in her throat, swallowing upon my command.

PIG 🐽 Allah 🐽 sucks my stiff DICK; I dare your impotent, faggot PIG 🐽 allah 🐽 to strike me dead at this very moment.

26 07 2019

At Least We Islam Dont Praise And Worship A Prophet…Atleast We Dont Just Copy Like Your Religion Did,Prophet Adam And Your Religion Just Call It Adham,Prophet Isa And You Worship Him And Is Call Yesus…May Allah Give You The Truth,The Painful Truth…Just Go To Google Translate And Type Allah…Can You Translate Yesus And It Says God???…Haha Too Bad Christian…You Fail Again

1 06 2016
jihad these nuts

Muhammad is a goat-fucking piece of shit and all sand niggers that follow the goat-fucking religion of islam should go back to the middle east so they can fuck their own pig pens that they call countries.

28 02 2017
M. Shahzad

Why you have so much hate for Muhammad. He was just a simple man. I think he likes to eat goat not to fuck her. By the way, you ‘re a nice man. are not you ?

5 07 2017

Lu ngomong apa sih, gk jelas bngt lu jadi manusia. Belajar dulu sono, main internetan melulu lu, udh pinter lu.. yy kocak

14 05 2010

Jihad on the ayatollah assahola. I wipe my kitty smegma on his raghead.


8 08 2011

Shut da fuck up you Egg head. Fuckin asshole

21 06 2010

It is about time we start standing up to the the people that follow a religion that says kill all non followers. If they want to continue to believe and follow a religion that was founded by Muhammad, a killer and child molester. Yes a molester, just look it up. We all need to stand together to defeat the virus known as muslims. And continue to push them back and stop kissing their butts, scum by any other name is still scum.

21 06 2010
Super Jesus

If child molesters are your primary indicator of a “virus” religion you really need to add Catholicism and any other religion that advocates or protects such behavior to your rant don’t you think?

21 01 2016

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
اعوذ بالله نا الشیطان لعین والرجیم
اشهد ان لااله الا الله
اشهد ان محمد الرسول الله
و اشهد ان علیا حجت الله
من یک ایرانی ام
خدارو قسم میدم به پهلوی شکسته سیده دو عالم..
قسمش میدم به فرق به ناحق شکافته شده علی (ٔع)
قسمش میدم به عظمت حضرت محمد(ص)
قسمش میدم به غربت امام حسن ع
قسمش میدم به سیدالشهدا
قسمش میدم به دست های بریده شده عباس
قسمش میدم به لبان تشنه علی اصغر 6 ماهه
قسمش میدم بر قائم آل محمد
قسمش میدم به با جلال و جبروتش
قسمش میدم به عظمت بزرگیش
خدایا تورو به آیه آیه های قرآن قسم میدم کسی رو که به حضرت محمد توهین کردن و شخص به این عظمت رو اینطوری ازش تصویر میسازن رو نابود کن
و لعنت الله علی قوم الظالمین
اللهم عجل ولیک الفرج

21 01 2016

بیچاره خدا بهت رحم کنه

16 05 2017

I’ll advise you to take down this post and website if you dont want your generations to go astray, and you dont want your destiny to be crushed like a piece of paper.

7 12 2010

Point of correction please. Muslims are not virus. It is wrong to seek to defeat Muslims. The real virus is Allah, Muslims are very precious people loved by God but deceived by Allah. The Muslims are victims of Allah and children of God should learn to pray for them. God loves the Muslim people and Jesus died to save them too but the Muslims have been imprisoned by the demon called Allah. The Muslims need help and we can provide that help by showing love to them and by praying for them.

7 12 2010

It is not the people of faith I want to see eradicated, but rather all the superstitious and unprovable beliefs they cling to. Anyone who claims to have knowledge of a god or any other invisible man in the sky is delusional and infected with a particularly insidious thought virus.

A healthy dose of reason and critical thinking seems to be in order for you and those Muslims you’re so busy praying for.

20 09 2012

God died because of your bloody sin , haaaaaaaaaaa

6 03 2015

Ignorance on u, neither know what u’r doing no the others’. pitiful!

28 09 2016
Muhammad Humayon Khan

come and discuss it with me…. who is Allah… What is a Muslim … Jesus is the messanger of Allah GOD not God … Bring evidences

28 09 2016

That sounds nice but, as evidenced in the video above, people of your faith can become a bit unhinged when their prophet is challenged. No thanks. That said, since you’re asserting Muhammad is legit and God exists, what actual evidence do you have to support that assertion? I have yet to see any evidence to support the truth of yours or any other religion.

26 11 2012

u mother fucker dnt know about our prophet on the day of judgement u will come to know dnt worry only wait u wil know who is the virus u type of people are worst than the pig at least he knows who is his god if u are the son of ur father or the son of whorr come face to face we r ready for anything,u coward mother fucker—————

2 12 2012

what can we expect from a guy whose foremothers have been banged up by Arabs

8 04 2014

lets kill him no one can say anything bad about prophet mohmad

9 03 2015

Thank you for your thoughtful and considered opinion. Your comment has helped shed new light on this conversations and goes a long way towards improving a flawed perception of your religion. You are a shining example of what it is to be a good, peaceful, and tolerant Muslim.

8 01 2016

chal na teri maa ki chut

28 02 2017

I’m a true believer, a true follower.
I’m not agree with comments by ” Khan and mostafa”

You can say anything (good or bad) about our prophet Muhammad, you can draw anything. A true muslim is allowing this.

We can only share our thoughts on these. Hope someday we ‘ll be on same page.

28 02 2017

Muslims are just like other people on this planet. All are same. just different in thoughts, true or false, it’s another discussion.
And we never ever say, support, or order to kill any person or animal (irrespective of he is follower or not, muslim or not).
If some one kills any person and say to the world that he is muslim. then he is just a piece of shit.
and for your respected word “Molester”, i’m silent. we can discuss it some other time.

24 04 2017
Andy Bonar

basicall,every humans are creatad have lustrous…..But islam ideology from mumammad has defaced human life. Muhammad is obsessed by satan

16 05 2017

I can see your mentality is shallow, you’re a daft Idiot with no common sense, it’s your stupidity that doesn’t make u accepted

3 05 2019

What is good about Islam..?? NOTHING..!
What has islam done in technology,science,etc – nothing
What is bad about islam – pedophilia,murder,slavery, wife beating, racism, 
Muslims put a blanket over its evil and don’t face up to the real teachings of islam,pretending its a compassionate , fantastic religion which will lead you to paradise – bullshit.

31 03 2022

Remember, whether or not, France will become an Islamic country

24 06 2010

sooooooooper foolish such a stupid website!!!!!!!!!!!

24 06 2010

You make a compelling and cogent argument. When you put it that way I can totally see your point of view.

6 03 2015
M. Sanee

pls. what do u know about ISLAM, MUSLIM & PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBOH)? do u know r/ship b/w JESUS (PBOH) & ISLAM? PLS. don’t bring trouble, talk maturity as human being doing rubbish like this is not the way out. let me tell u the most important, whom u valued (Jesus) will soon come back to break the CROSS & chop up ur heads, UNBELIEVER.

13 10 2010
Alex Sienne

FUCK you all who ever insults muslims F U C K I swear by Allah I can’t wait till it’s the last day and I see every single bitch of you folks getin burned to nothing by the hell fire FUCK all Islam oppresors and may god show his anger on yall !
You dont know a shit about the real meaning of Islam so go suck your mama’s ass you fuck holes and Never Ever say a bitch fuckin shit Like that Eva!

13 10 2010

Thank you for your thoughtful and considered opinion. Your comment has helped shed new light on this conversations and goes a long way towards improving a flawed perception of your religion. You are a shining example of what it is to be a good and tolerant Muslim.

20 09 2012

ha ha gud reply..

24 09 2012
Waliullah Ahmed Laskar

A fitting reply.

13 01 2015
Frank B

Jesus is the way, truth and life. No one can experience God’s forgiveness without accepting God’s one and only provision for our redemption…the blood of Jesus. Muhammad is dead, Allah is dead, and any other way to God is dead. Receive Jesus and live. Reject Him and die…ETERNALLY!

14 01 2015

Thank you for your thoughtful and considered opinion. Your comment has helped shed new light on this conversations and goes a long way towards improving a flawed perception of your religion. You are a shining example of what it is to be a good and tolerant Christian.

4 05 2015

Hi Alex.

When is the end of days? Did your dad , grandad, his father and his father before him all spend their lives waiting for end of days.
Do you think they thought on their death beds I’m glad I spent all my life waiting for E O Ds or do u think they thought what a waste of my life and regretted wasting what is the gift given to them, the gift of life. How many generations have waited endless centuries for nothing. How many days, weeks, months, years and lifes wasted waiting and still nothing. Will you also regret wasting your life on heresay.
Would the prophet Mohammed (pbuh) ( which I say out of respect for you and ur religion ) want u to waste your life waiting for judgement day and would he want you to kill the people that his god spent his time creating.
Just out of curiosity who are the richest most powerfull people in Islam, Catholics, jews, etc( look at the vatican). Are they the people at the top?. ( its the same with politicians ) who has the most amount of power. Would these people keep telling any lies for themselves and their families to stay at the top. Would these people relinquish the earthly items in the name of the religion they claim to represent. I doubt it too. If there truly was people sent down from the heavens to show us the way forward then will always be perverse people their to twist their words of wisdom for their own twisted means. Do not follow these false teachers, find your own path. If people was meant to die in the name of God he would have done it himself with a blink of an eye. Do not mistake god, prophets and saints with religion. Religion itself is perverse and is only there to serve the few at the top. They look after themselves. Peace be upon you and I hope you find your way.

28 02 2017

Completely agree with your nice comment. “commonsense”

13 10 2010
Alex Sienne

and btw We dont fuckin whant all non muslims dead there is a Fuckin Fat line between Islam and Terorism
Terorism is what people do (killing,torturing, and destruction) and say that they are muslims while Muslims are people who care for peace and prospiraty we just wana live our own life and die it in prayer for Allah we dont whant no one dead or hurt we just wana live life if you wana speek bout death and destruction you better be addressing all the terorists out there not us I think you got the wrong person dude

13 10 2010


10 05 2012
Allah izza Bitch

Orly? You claim you want peace, don’t want anybody hurt, and just want to live your life….yet your post just 2 postings above claims this “FUCK you all who ever insults muslims F U C K I swear by Allah I can’t wait till it’s the last day and I see every single bitch of you folks getin burned to nothing by the hell fire FUCK all Islam oppresors and may god show his anger on yall !
You dont know a shit about the real meaning of Islam so go suck your mama’s ass you fuck holes and Never Ever say a bitch fuckin shit Like that Eva!”

Way to contradict yourself you fucking sand nigger. Go die in a fire.

10 05 2012

I’m with you on the contradiction but you lost me with the rest of it. Remember, mock the prophet but (try to) reason with the followers.

28 02 2017

You are saying the words of a true follower, a true muslim. Salute You. Peace Be Upon You.

7 12 2010

im 20 years old, im normal, believe im smart, not crazy, peaceful, i love everybody, and I AM A MUSLIM.
i don’t know much to say but all i know you have NO IDEA what is ISLAM about, im not racist about anything at all in life, plz just try to tell me im wrong, other ways i’d rather go kill myself if i doubted you have knewledge of what you are talking about,


7 12 2010

If you’re a Muslim who sees these pictures and isn’t compelled to kill someone over it then you’re not crazy and we’re all cool and the gang.

If on the other hand you see these pictures and you feel outrage and think whoever drew these must be killed as prescribed by the Koran then you are most definitely not peaceful and you are quite certainly wrong.

PS: Don’t kill yourself.

7 12 2010

You are not a true Muslim, you are a normal human being. The Quran command true Muslims to fight against non-Muslims simply for being non-Muslims. Quran 9:29.

You don’t need to kill yourself, you need to come out of Islam and genuinely seek for true salvation. The living God will reveal Himself to you and your life will change. Islam is an evil religion.

7 12 2010

All religions are evil for they cloud and enslave the mind.

7 02 2012
gwyneth paltrow

You can’t really take direct quotations from the Qu’ran that literally and label it fact. Many theological texts have been misinterpreted, which has led to problems and ultimately the misconceptions you have made.

7 02 2012

Many theological texts are even completely made up fictions. (And by “many” I mean “all”)

28 02 2017

Islam Is Another Name Of PEACE.
If someone says that he ‘ll kill someone due to the reason that he insulted his prophet, he is just a crap of our little world.
Muhammad was a man first then prophet. I like him.

22 12 2010

Religion is a tool used by the frightened to manipulate the ignorant.

22 02 2012

You are wrong. Religion is a code of conduct which disciplines the mind and encourages people to be good to fellow others and promote peace. If there is no code to follow every individual would have his own code and act according to his own impulse. Just like when you are young, your parents teach you right from wrong. They are a major influence in your character due to their upbringing. Similarly religion is a good faith that protects and guide us from evil that surrounds us. Please do not insult any religion.

22 02 2012

If the message of religion was purely peaceful then I doubt we would be having any sort of discussion. The fact is religions throughout history have incited the repression of others and encouraged the infliction of violence and even killing of others.

I’m glad you only take the good parts from your religion because I think you, like most religious people, are good people despite their religion. Open your eyes and look at your religion in the same skeptical way as you look upon all the religions you don’t believe, only then might you get a glimpse of how I see religion too.

31 01 2011

Thanks to the inventors of internet who made us able to publish,see and say about so called prophet and still feel safe.

20 02 2011

now you all the fool painters just observe things happening around you n you will come to know what kind of mistake u have done .your family will suffer n you will lose your respect and reputation n what kind of sufferings you may face but there is a solution of it just ask forgiveness,n the ALMIGHTY will forgive you

20 02 2011
Super Jesus

So I gather that you didn’t think “yeah, I guess maybe that rule about not drawing ‘the prophet’ is kinda stupid”.

25 08 2012

that is !!that is why u Muslims are con deemed every where!!! anger,killing thrust is in ur blood!!!

28 02 2017

I’m not agree with your comment Azeem. Tell me one thing, why they can’t draw our prophet? why they can’t insult our prophet ? Infact they can anything. Our duty is to clear the scene. Put real picture of Muhammad in front of them that who was he. why we need to follow his life as a man not as a prophet. His duty was just to deliever the message clearly. Nothing else. He lived a life of common person. He did everything a common man can do. And keep in mind that Excess of Respect can fade the Purpose.

10 07 2011

Prophet MUHAMMED is a true and a real prophet of God “ALLAH” almighty.
He had born in 570 A.D in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
He had born after death of Jesus Christ (i.e) after 570 years.
He is the last Messanger of God “ALLAH” almighty.
And he is also a prophet as Jesus Christ as David as Josef as Aaebraham as Moses as Noah as Adam and many more !
Prophet MUHAMMED teachings were same as every Prophets of ALLAH (i.e) “Believe in only one God ALLAH almighty”
as jesusu christ also had teaches this.
But why cant you satisfied with this talk?

13 07 2011

I am not “satisfied with this talk” because it’s just talk. There is no reason to think any of it is true. Why can’t you be satisfied with this reasoning?

25 08 2012

because of teachings, preaches n kinda history n present u people have!!!u people couldn’t tolerate non Muslims!!now the world is completely aware bout ur blood thrust teachings nd not in a mode to give “edge” to allah!!

20 07 2011
paulo dooby

Everyone has a different idea of what the real god is and wants. A reasonable person would look at that fact and say, ” I could be wrong.” If you sit in church or wherever you sit, with a person who is a racist, or doesn’t care for imigrants, or whatever the case in which you may not agree, then you’re praying to a different god. maybe we could just live a life without any fear from a god, and just be good to each other. just be decent cause that’s right. but you’re gonna do what you want. I dig the pictures.

21 07 2011


23 07 2011
Noor Mohamad Ismail

Many of you are confused of the highest order, your mind manipulated by bad media. Media are supposed to tell the truth, they are not supposed to give their opinion. If they tell the whole truth, you will hate your own leaders for killing innocent Muslim women and children by the million in iraq, lebanon, pelastine, bosnia and afghanistan. As said, we are all the same. We love peace. Dont let other cheat us, please.

23 07 2011

For what it’s worth Noor I do hate the wars we are in and I genuinely mourn the deaths of so many innocent people.

But you too should hate the leaders of a religion who issue death threats and instruct their followers to kill people because they drew a picture on some paper. Then maybe we can start to love peace together.

22 02 2012

You don’t seem to understand a simple fact that drawing a cartoon of a Prophet in a degrading manner is a very sensitive issue. It is like insulting the followers of the prophet for their faith and love for the religion. If they feel like killing the cartoonist, does not literally mean killing him. It’s just the outburst of the anger for insulting the religion which I say again is a sensitive concept. Show tolerance to other religion even if you don’t belong to any group of believers.

22 02 2012

First, just because you’re more rational than other followers and you won’t follow through on a fatwā doesn’t mean others won’t. Don’t kid yourself, those death threats are real and people act on them.

7 08 2011

we muslims live for islam and if needed we will die for islam, v are not like the other kaafirs who back step even when their mothers are in need… and soon you all criticizers of islam will be cursed by the Almighty…..Allahu akbar

7 08 2011

If I may point out, it is your behavior that we criticize. You’re willing to kill people over a cartoon. You know, pencil scratchings on a piece of paper.


Think about it. In a genuine medieval eye-for-an-eye world the absolute maximum you would be allowed to do is…draw another cartoon of someone else’s made up prophet.

C’mon man, can’t you see you’re going way overboard?

Besides, how can you not see the absurdity of worshiping a god who supposedly created the entire universe, knows and sees everything, but every time someone scribbles a bad picture of him or makes fun of him that he goes so berserk that he commands you to kill?

First off, if he’s so mad why doesn’t he take care of it himself? Seriously, if he has time enough to be outraged he should have time enough to do his own killing, right? Nope, apparently he can’t do it himself so he needs you to do it. But it begs the question, if as a God he’s incapable of focusing his rage to smote some poor doodling mortal, then is he really a God worth worshiping?

Alifi, my dear friend, I think I speak for everyone here. You need to calm down. Even your Mom is worried about you and wants you to relax a little. Go have a sandwich and maybe take a nap. You’re taking all this Allahu stuff way too seriously.

Super Jesus

25 08 2012

alifi!!The whole world criticizing religion these days except muslims!!what u say bout that??//

8 08 2011

What da fuck is wrong with this shits heads, look it’s evil that’s making you shit heads draw such things. You will know who the true prohphet is when you die. Just wait untill ur death. I hope you all burn in hell. You have to understand a religion before you make shit comments about it. What do you guys think dat jesus is God’s son. For God’s sake stop fooling yourselfs. Let me ask you , did jesus say that himself? That awww i’m God’s son please pray me. He was just a true prohphet whe was sended by God to guide people to recognise and pray the true God. God is unique , he doesn’t have any sons or families. Grow up people stop being like kids. Who ever made all this cartoons are gonna see the result of time and indeed regret for their foolishness. Peace be upon Prophet Muhummad and his family.

8 08 2011

1) I doubt there is any kind of God.
2) If you’re right and I’m wrong then god will deal with me and my sins now (and he hasn’t so far) or after I die (I’ll take my chances).
3) Don’t you think you’re getting a little worked up over some scribblings?
4) Go have a sandwich and maybe take a nap. You’re taking all this religion stuff way too seriously.

23 08 2011
Jahanzeb Malik

They will not listen Sana. They are bastards and their eyes and ears are filled with vices.

23 08 2011

Bastards? Come on, now you’re just getting unnecessarily personal.

Let’s keep this cordial and discuss the issue on its merits. How about you just take on item #3 from the post above. What’s your response?

25 08 2012

i m agree with u sana! by drawing a cartoon of prophet , u aim is just to get people attention n ignite the followers!!butttt what u people r facing these days ,was ur forefathers had done in other ways!! many cartoonist have draw jesus,hindu god-godess.but u must have seen u a mere reaction!because if some one mispotrayed ur god,it dosent mean that u will declare a death certifiacation!!

23 08 2011
Jahanzeb Malik

We must protest on higher scale to get such web sites banned

23 08 2011

Is that really the answer? How about you just try to be rational and not freak out over some poorly drawn cartoons?

23 08 2011
Jahanzeb Malik


23 08 2011

All caps now. You’re getting a little too worked up don’t you think?

27 09 2015



27 09 2015

Um, no. How about we quit worshipping made up gods, put away the superstitious nonsense (like your pig blood goofiness) and all work together as human beings?

21 10 2011

super jesus….it doesnt seem like you believe in a god or any of the prophets,just a question, and i want you to think really hard about it, where did you come from?how did you come about? and where are you heading to? arent you going to prepair yourself for that grave you going to?

21 10 2011

Q: where did you come from?
A: From the natural reproductive activity of my Mother and Father

Q: how did you come about?
A: We (along with every living creature) came about by evolution and natural selection.

Q: and where are you heading to?
A: One presumes you’re insinuating heaven or hell (but you can correct me if I am mistaken). If my presumption is correct then I would answer neither of those since there is no reason to think either of those places exist. I believe that when we die our conscious mind resumes the nothingness it was before we were born.

Q: arent you going to prepair yourself for that grave you going to?
A: I work out and eat right to postpone it as long as possible and so I can enjoy this one life of mine. Do I beg the forgiveness of an nonexistent deity…no.

Look, I try to be open minded so I’m open to having the existence of God proven to me. There are countless ways that an omnipotent and omniscient being could easily prove his or her own existence to me, but no sufficient evidence has ever been uncovered so I must presume He does not in fact exist.

So how about this, what would it take to prove to you that your chosen God did not exist? Is there anything someone could say to you or show you that would bring doubt to your mind?

18 11 2011
Nora 12

I think muslims are peacefoul buth its is this few muslims ho are going on with terror. That is just wrong,pepole should respect eachother but i belive at pepole should write and paint wathever their want. BUTH not do wathever teir want.
Nora 12

18 11 2011
No muslim

Dear Nora you are just a child YOU DON’T NOW A THING ABOUT THIS!

18 11 2011

Kinda harsh there Jerry. Why don’t you educate us instead of just shouting about ignorance?

19 11 2011

Jerry got a little out of hand in his last comment that appeared here so I removed it. I encourage debate and disagreement and even salty language, but I will not allow threats.

19 11 2011
Emilie 12 Nora's twin sister

I dosen’t like all the bad langue here, it’s not like we getting something out of this
By the way, me and my sister go at chirch every second sunday
buth because of all critics from every where we beginns to not now what to do,to help.
Jewish,Christen,Muslim and Catolic all build on the teen bids. So whats the problem we all belive at god just diffrent way to belive on.

20 11 2011

i’m a jewish boy and i thin religion is just shit!
What has god ever done for me, I go in the synagong,praise god,begging to him.
He has never heard me since my wife has die and my child has die in a car accident!
And i has nothing left, I has search comfort with god but too no help!
Im thinking to kill my self because my mother has alzheimer.
And because of that muslims has no right to kill other or think there diserve to be treated good!

19 11 2011
Emilie 12 Nora's twin sister

Please sombody reply

20 11 2011
Emilie 12 Nora's twin sister


20 11 2011
Ali Khazel

Every second sunday? Why?
Maybe Allah trying to make you switch religion
Maybe he trying to save you from hell because you are a nice person
Allah is our god and Mohammad is his Phropet!

1 12 2011

Actually I love to see this haltered on Islam , really .
Do you know why ?
Because some day some one in your close circle will be switching in to Islam then you will see
Remember this first Muslims were enemy of Islam

1 12 2011

I can’t speak for many of the others posting comments but I don’t hate Islam. I definitely mock the absurd rules it’s followers must believe and follow, but I wouldn’t say hate.

My aim here is to point out the obviously laughable requirement to kill anyone who would draw a picture of a (in all likelihood fictional) person. In doing so I hope to plant a seed of doubt in the believer’s mind that maybe all all these “truths” are simply ridiculous old stories which have no basis in reality and should be ignored.

It probably won’t work, but I somehow feel the need to at least try.

3 02 2015

hi my dear brother
I think it’s not true to mock person that billion people believe to him,i have question from you,if one of your friend or one person mock your mother or your father or every person that you like them very much Do u never get upset of him or her?
i agree with u that kill person that drawing picture is a emotional sentence and it’s not true but if the people don’t reaction about it get unbearable ,and i suggest u if you want to know about Islam you refer to the quran not the behave of the muslim . because the humans are not prophet and have a mistake and u can’t judge Islam from the few followers
the other things that i want to say you is:(you said quran said to kill all person that is non-muslims , it’s not true,even Quran said release captives without bother them)
i hope the all people in the word learn to respect the other people or other religion

3 02 2015

Reza, I really wish you actually understood what I wrote because you might then realize we agree more than we disagree.

25 12 2011
Umer Ghias

Very Shameless

4 02 2012

What abou’t cartoons about Boko haram?

10 02 2012
The ghost

I do not believe in god or anything close…hate me for it I dont care….I grew up catholic but soon realized that people are bowing down for what ? My personal opinion is people praise bullshit because there scared of death ….I have Recently discovers a very abstract being and his name is super Jesus …

10 02 2012

I’ll take “Abstract”. That suits me just fine. 🙂

1 03 2012

go to hell……….

9 03 2012

super jesus,killin sumone cuz of drawing a cartoon is absolutly dat is a deed of a muslim nt islam..islam doesnt allow such thing,n prophet too never ordered or wished to kill ppl who used to harass him even abuse plz dnt judge d religion or prophet cuz of few ppl..n by posting such things u r hurting d sentiments of ppl..mayb u dnt believe in god bt atlst u beleive in humanity n nt hurting nebodys sentiments…surly u can argue debate over religion bt plz dnt mke fun,or disrespect any religion its a very sensitive matter..its a plea

9 03 2012

You are correct that the Quran does not explicitly forbid images of Muhammad, but there are a number of hadith (supplemental teachings) which have explicitly prohibited Muslims from creating visual depictions of religious figures including Muhammad. I’m not picking on Islam per se, but I am definitely mocking the people who hold absurd beliefs and think it’s appropriate to kill someone for a cartoon.

To your main point, If 99.999% of Muslims would not be so upset as to kill someone who drew or displayed a cartoon of Muhammad then I think it is fair to suggest that those same 99.999% wouldn’t be all that offended with a random web page like this.

Let’s assume (as I do) that 99.999% of Muslims are perfectly charming, sane, rational people. Then the only people I’m offending are the .001% of Muslims who are irrational fanatical zealots who frankly should be mocked and ridiculed for holding such ridiculous beliefs. By remaining silent in the face of such absurdity is to concede to their madness, and I will not.

21 03 2015

Hmmm…. Sure, most Muslims wouldn’t kill a person over it… But they still would get offended though.

10 03 2012

sure u should discourage such ppl,bt i think ur way is wrng..see if i wana punish u den il try n dirctly deal wid bt if i make fun or disrespect,lets say ur mother,it wil b wrong..cuz ur mother has nt taught u such things..its u who shud b criticised,right..same way islam or the prophets dint teach us to KILL sumone on such grounds.yes v do get enraged by seeing such mockery,same way like how ul get enraged if ur mother,who is absolutly clean n correct,wud b made fun killing is nt ab option dat islam teaches,so i think ur view is correct bt ur way is absolutly incorrect…

10 03 2012

so if i mock ur mom,im nt teaching u a lesson,im jus challenging u ‘see im doin,show me wat u can do now’..u got my u wil get mre enraged,n in d process m hurting ur mother whoz innocent n ur other siblings who r also if der is no positive outcome,n rather feelins of ppl r getin hurt,den u think its a rgt way..?.wat u doin will nt bring ne change mayb it jus gives u sum satisfaction…..

10 03 2012

You continue to miss the point.

Anyone can say what they want about my mother, they can even draw cartoons if they like. I might be annoyed but I will not do anything about it (much less hurt any one) because the person saying slanderous things is only making himself look bad. If I were to overreact with threats or violence to those comments then I would become the idiot in the equation.

People draw picture of the prophet Muhammad NOT because anyone gives a damn about cartoons of him, it is only because there are a number of Muslims who go berserk and they in turn make themselves AND other fundamentalists look like irrational fanatics.

You, as a believer, best serve your religion by both being understanding of people like me who are intentionally being provocative to make a point AND by trying to talk sense to those over reactive factions within your faith who think the best response is to make threats or issue fatwas.

I don’t know if it will make you feel any better, but you should know that I’m not singling out Islam with my ridicule. I think that Christianity, Mormonism, Judaism, Scientology, Hinduism, and all the rest are all based on baseless, unprovable, ignorant, and fantastical nonsense.

So yes I’m picking on truly fanatical Muslims in this post, but I didn’t want you to think I ONLY pick on Muslims. You’re welcome.

10 03 2012

can i have a chat wid u..i mean nt forum discussions,a proper chat…u hv my yahoo id, if u have a yahoo id u cn add me n mail me wat indian timin u come online..n still if u dont wana chat, no its vry difficlt to argue n explain like dis…in forums…

11 03 2012

The whole point of this thread is to point out how some people are so fanatical that they would happily harm a person for drawing a cartoon. As evidenced by a few of the other comments above there are apparently people who would extend that same offer to me for posting those pictures here. With that in mind I must decline your offer for a private chat.

I will happily continue to debate this topic here and have the arguments pro and con documented openly for all to read. It is best to have these debates out in the open so everyone can witness the exchange of ideas and join in the conversation.

11 03 2012

i undrstood wat u tryin to say n u r jus not understanding dat ur way of doin it is incorect..jus tell me one thing how is ur way gonna change d thinkin of such ‘fanatics’?? u r making fun of someone whoz nt even here nemore..u think its humanity to disrespect someone who has died..if u search google der r many animated pix of d prophet,bt dey r nt disrespectful,so i dnt think dey r evn annoyin to most d images on ur site is too disrespecful dude..if u have prb wid sum ppl dont u think u shud deal wid den directly..besides if u think dat by posting such images is gonna bring about any change in d attitude den tell me im wrong..

11 03 2012

by ur comments n articles u dnt beleive in any religion,bt it seems u do beleive in humanity…so u think its human to disrespect sumone whoz nt caused u any harm,whoz nt even here wid us nemre…u think dose fanatics r inhuman,i agree,bt dnt u think wat u doin is against humanity..u draw derogatory images of dose ppl who r harmin other ppl,dats reasonable…bt wat u doin is bringin u down too as a human..

11 03 2012

I sense my reasoning isn’t working.

Why I don’t post as much these days

11 03 2012

now dats nt a reply..ok forget everythin,y u doin it,for whom u doin it…forget all dis..jus tell me one simple thing,u keep takin bout being logical,practical,rationale etc,so u think its rational to disrespect someone whoz nt harmed u n whoz nt evn here nemre…?jus ans dis Q..

11 03 2012

Okay, I presume you’re concerned that I’m disrespecting the prophet Muhammad, right? First, there’s little reason to believe he (or Jesus or any other god figure) ever really existed, and if he did exist he’s dead now and isn’t aware of anything. He isn’t floating in heaven watching what we do, so nothing I say will bother him.

But what I’m doing in this blog post isn’t about Muhammad. This is about pointing at the dangerous beliefs of a few over zealous evangelical Muslims who have decided that anyone drawing a cartoon of their prophet is reason enough to punish those people with grievous harm. It’s a dangerous and ridiculous idea that should be pointed out, labeled as absurd, and ridiculed at every opportunity.

To threaten to kill someone for drawing any cartoon is barbaric and ignorant and I will not respect that belief but will instead do my best to illustrate how childish it is. The ultimate hope is that we can show these dangerous people that they are so outnumbered that their threats are irrelevant and maybe even embarrass them to the point that they reconsider the validity of their belief.

That said, in all honesty I don’t hold out much hope because fundamentalist religion of all flavors is a very pervasive and intractable mental illness indeed.

I wish you well.

11 03 2012

u think ur being a good human by doin dis…?dnt give a twisted reply,jus simple answer

12 03 2012

i think i shud give up on ppl like u…yes ur wesite,d images,d posts of ppl here have hurt my n many others’ feelings..cuz i beleive that god exists n the prophets existed too,& i do hold dem in high regards..still,cant speak bout others, but i forgive u & other ppl who have posted nastily,cuz the same religion n prophet u guys making fun of,have taught me to be patient & forgiving..which i beleive u guys dint learn..i pray to God that he guides u to the right path..

12 03 2012

by the way u say u dont beleive in God (creator) super jesus each & every thing or being needs a creator dont u think..Eg machines..therz nuthin on dis earth that is not created by sum creator ..same way u & me also have a creator,dont u think..?

17 03 2012

There are four general types of men — the rational, the emotional, the mystical, and the worker. For each of these we must provide suitable forms of worship. There comes the rational man, who says, “I care not for this form of worship. Give me the philosophical, the rational — that I can appreciate.” So for the rational man is the rational philosophic worship.

There comes the worker. He says, “I care not for the worship of the philosopher. Give me work to do for my fellow men.” So for him is provided work as the path of worship. As for the mystical and the emotional, we have their respective modes of devotion. All these men have, in religion, the elements of their faith.

– Swami Vivekananda

18 03 2012
Imtiyaz Khan

You are requested to please remove this post as this is Anti Religious.
Thank you

18 03 2012

You haven’t read the rest of this blog have you?

18 03 2012
Imtiyaz Khan

Please delete this post and all images in it and help spreading peace.
Thank you

9 04 2012

لعنة الله على الكافرين اللهم انصرنا على من عادانا

9 04 2012

Per Google Translate:
“God’s curse on God give us victory over the unbelievers of Aj.s.”

10 04 2012

الخنزير للكفار والعزة لله ولرسوله وللمؤمنين
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
على اليهود القردة والخنازير وعبادة الطاغوت

10 04 2012

Per Google Translate:
“Pig of the infidels and Glory to Allah and His Messenger and the believers
God is enough and yes, the agent
On the Jews monkeys and pigs and the cult idol”

10 04 2012

I have to say, it’s hard to argue with that kind of logic.

14 02 2015
R behra

Fuck Mohommad’s creators of death…. Loved the cartoons. An American teacher!

27 04 2012

Respect every religion. Be a wise human.

27 04 2012

You are so adorable.

7 05 2012

how the hell do you think you are i am a muslim and you bloody dog that mustt be your dad a pig and a dog like you

7 05 2012

To be fair, you write English far better than I write Arabic. That said I don’t think name calling does much to advance the conversation and it suggests that you wholly missed the point of the cartoons. To recap the point, getting enraged that someone drew a cartoon of your prophet will not make people take you or your religion more seriously.

16 06 2012

Islam is god religion , shame on you ,, you think you are brave ,, posting online at your dark room , you are nothing but pig , gp find job better than this stupid posts ,, we all love our religion and we will not change what we think just because an asshole say so ,,

16 06 2012

Interesting point you make. So someone pointing out that it’s silly to be offended to the point of violence by a cartoon isn’t enough to make you change what you think about your religion. Okay then, so what WOULD get you to change what you think about your religion?

9 07 2012

he is sick

9 07 2012

don’t say him any thing because he is sick minded he just wants cheap fame nothing else.

12 07 2012

Prophet muhammad is the best human ever.
and i believe in god and all the prophets so just go to hell you swedish Sh!t

12 07 2012

الله اكبر
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم

12 07 2012

Translated: “God is great. I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed”

12 07 2012

Yours is an uncompelling argument.

12 07 2012

لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله

12 07 2012

Translated: “No god but God and Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah”

12 07 2012

Still an uncompelling argument.

12 07 2012

The piggy is you
and prophet mohammad just an angle لا اله الا الله

12 07 2012

Prophet Mohammad is just an Angle? He’d have to be acute or obtuse because he’s definitely not right.

12 07 2012
Misplaced Outrage « The Gospel of Super Jesus

[…] offer this to the many many people who visit my most popular post. Share this:ShareEmailFacebookTwitterStumbleUponDiggRedditLike this:LikeBe the first to like […]

12 07 2012

Here’s a new image for all of you who are outraged.

Misplaced Outrage

17 07 2012

___!____ YEEEEEEEH ,jackass LISTEN!!!!!!!
you filthy you adulterer and you are the son of a bitch , shit in your ugly face you are bitch and pig and you are dirty and your Bible Distorted by the Jews .you Worship Devils will see what will happen to you and your Disgusting religion ,you Worship wood, you Worship Jesus Christ, you are Godless heretics useless drunks live pig heart dirty black hell will welcome to you all, you Talk about the greatest thing God created the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him but you are ignorant of the Day of Resurrection and will remain along the age ignorant you dont know what is right and what is wrong and what heaven and hell You more than a pig stupid and without Doctrine and one day your cross will destroy by Jesus and he will commands you to follow the Islamic religion. do you understand (((((((((((((((((((( FAKE YOUUU)))))))))))))))))))))
_______________!____________ DONT FORGET TO PUT IT THIS IN YOUR ASS

17 07 2012

___!___ YEEEEH ,donkey LISTEN TO ME !!!!!!!
you filthy you adulterer and you are the son of a bitch , shit in your ugly face you are bitch and pig and you are dirty and your Bible Distorted by the Jews .you Worship Devils will see what will happen to you and your Disgusting religion ,you Worship wood, you Worship Jesus Christ, you are Godless heretics useless drunks live pig heart dirty black hell will welcome to you all, you Talk about the greatest thing God created the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him but you are ignorant of the Day of Resurrection and will remain along the age ignorant you dont know what is right and what is wrong and what heaven and hell You more than a pig stupid and without Doctrine and one day your cross will destroy by Jesus and he will commands you to follow the Islamic religion. do you understand (((((((((((((((((((( FAKE YOUUU)))))))))))))))))))))
_______________!____________ DONT FORGET TO PUT IT THIS IN YOUR ASS

3 09 2012

I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention, what did you say again?

17 07 2012

YOU KNOW WHAT ((((((((((((((((( FAKE YOU BITCH )))))))))))))))

(This was repeated about 100 times. Edited for brevity. -SJ)

17 07 2012

La ilaha illallaho Mohammadurasullullah.These all Images are not good.delete these son of idots ……………………………………………

3 09 2012

No, these images aren’t very good, that’s kinda my point.

18 07 2012
Superjeus=super shit

Dont forget to put your cross in dirty ass 😃😜😜😜
Superjeus=super shit and super dirty pig 💩💩💩💩💩💩
Dont forget to put your cross in dirty ass💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
Dont forget to put your cross in dirty ass💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

3 09 2012

I think these are the lyrics of an InSync song.

18 07 2012

SuperJesus=super SHIT and HUMAR and PIG


3 09 2012

Yeah, you got me there. Good one!

24 07 2012

After all we ae waiting for you when the day God of people and universe Draw you in Hellfire. LAANATULLAH.

3 09 2012

Assuming you’re right and your god will have his revenge on me one day, why are so many Muslims angry at me? Do they believe Allah is so impotent that they need to post inane comments here instead?

20 09 2012

you are right but most of muslims dont pay attention of kinda things ,but dont forget we all humans and we all seeking for the truth all people posting here try to show you the truth . and they post here because you have the right to know may be the replies contain a bad speech or any such things but it because they are jealous about their religion . I invite you to review your opinion and I call on you to be guided to God. inshaallah 🙂 and i invite you to watch this video till the end

20 09 2012

Ashraf, think if all religious people were as well intentioned as you I think we would all get along much better. I am not trying to insult anyone but rather point out the absurdity of a specific rule that many Muslims take far too seriously. Like you I too am trying to show people the truth…that we only have this one life and there are almost certainly no gods out there keeping tabs on us. My wish is that we should all work together and try to make this world a better place and not fret over what happens after we die.

25 07 2012

hey just remove it …

3 09 2012

hey no.

26 07 2012
Allah hu Akbar

Just remoove these all pics, otherwise u will also be burnt by Allah the way other guy burnt, God is great, One day He will give you punishment, keep in your mind.

3 09 2012


13 08 2012

Every single post on here proves SuperJesus’ point even further. It’s so sad no one here can have a rational discussion about this topic. I don’t think I’ve seen a single post on here actually addressing the matter at hand. I am a Catholic who really loves my religion. I hear slanderous comments and read libel directed against my faith every single day. Hell, even “SuperJesus” is a tongue-in-cheek mockery of my prophet. However, I would NEVER wish harm on him or anyone else who mocks\hates my religion. In fact, SuperJesus sounds like the only voice of reason on this entire forum.

It’s funny, the author of this post who considers himself an atheist is actually the only one who’s advocating for peace and practicing what God wants for us.

The fact that the people representing Islam on this site have such a double standard regarding themselves and the rest of the world is pretty telling. “Just take down the pictures”… “FACK you for posting this.”.. You will all burn in the hellfire.” It’s unreal. The image SuperJesus recently posted says it all. Where are you devout Muslims when there is social injustice against other people? It’s amazing to me that people turn out in droves when their religion is attacked but when human rights are violated or innocent people killed, then you people have a hard time rallying for change? Give me a break. I would like to think that there are followers of Islam that believe in freedom of expression, speech, and lifestyle as well as loving and living their faith, but every time I come across comments on sites like this, my optimism fades a little more.

3 09 2012

Amen to that my friend.

29 08 2012

Bhosdi teri mb ki chooot….
In pic.s ko remove kr… Smja…
Wrna…ye website block krwa duga…
Or jihad shuru ho jayega…

19 10 2020



29 08 2012
The Other One

Dear SuperJesus(as you like to think of yourself),
Tell me what is the point of posting these image, if not to breed unnecessary argument, to gain attention maybe, pointing attention towards muslim’s intolerance of what they respect and also love, which is but ony natural for all beings.
Point is, your pitiful way of trying to gain attention to yourself by blaming a well known fact of life, that all beings are naturally intolerant of disrespecting of what they respect in varying degrees, belittles any intelligence which you may truly indeed possess.
If you can give me a single good reason as to why and what benefit you’d get by posting those images rather than for satisfying your seemingly very lonely heart for getting some desperate attention, i’d consider your posts of adding any value to the pool of human intelligence at all.
You are probably wasting your precious time and ability by approaching in wronger ways. Whereas you could easily propose a call to unity, towards a path of enquiry, which would entail each to be on their own path of uncovering truth, which would automatically associate them with scientific approaches, as that would be naturally acceptable path for all towards seeking truth, as all are naturally logical.
May you use your naturally inherited intelligence to attain enlightenment.

29 08 2012

I appreciate your constructive tone. Truth be told I don’t get all that much attention from this sort of thing but here is my reasoning for posting these images.

As far as I know the Quran itself does not explicitly forbid images of Muhammad, but a number of hadith explicitly prohibit Muslims from creating visual depictions of religious figures including Muhammad. Since I’m not a Muslim I’m not even sure I’m breaking any rules to be honest, but that doesn’t stop some people from getting upset. Overall I’m not picking on Islam per se, but I am definitely mocking the people who hold absurd beliefs and think it’s appropriate to kill someone over a cartoon.

I personally suspect that 99.999% of Muslims are not upset enough by the images on this little corner of the Internet that they would want to kill someone who drew (or displayed) these cartoons. If that’s true then the only people I’m offending are the .001% of Muslims who are irrational fanatical zealots who frankly should be mocked and ridiculed for holding such ridiculous beliefs. So mock and ridicule I shall.

By remaining silent in the face of such absurdity is to concede to their madness, and I will not.

3 09 2012

teri maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaki chooooooot yourmother fuck your sister vigin a you fuck teri maaaaaki chhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttt me my penis

3 09 2012

Not much coherent thought evident in your comment, but I’m guessing you didn’t like my post. That said, good luck with your penis problem.

10 12 2013
Cephas Q. Atheos

Oh my, I spat my cuppa tea all over the table. Isn’t it sad that his little penis problem has him so upset?

I appreciate exactly the point you’re making, but unfortunately poor Muhammed’s followers seem to be making the point against you.

On the positive side, you do seem to have attracted the 0.001% of the followers of their prophet (may bedbugs be upon him and peas)! You have the formula just right.

I also appreciated Jonathan’s point that the most learned, chilled, and articulate comments are from the atheist, while almost without exception the most inhumane, racist, anti-religious, bigoted, small-minded, and disgustingly hateful threats were made by the Muhammedans themselves. Most disappointing.

If you’re ever in the area, look me up. I have some teriffic baby recipes.

19 10 2020


11 09 2012

The greatest of things are achieved in light-heartiness. Muslims, religion followers, stop wasting energy following a ghost. Worship instead the act of kindness and love, and you will spiritually greatly evolve. Isn’t that what you are pursuing? what is the reason to pray to Allah, and do the same chanting, over and over. The truth will set you free. Live life in your terms. Stop being a follower.

11 09 2012

Oh if only it was so easy. 🙂

11 09 2012
12 09 2012


11 09 2012
12 09 2012

what the top sciencetists of the west said about prophet muhammad?

12 09 2012

Wow, I guess if you show a bunch of pictures and unattributed quotes then you’ve totally proved it. You win, I’m converting to Islam tomorrow!

12 09 2012
مسلم شريف بدينة

“إن محمدًا [صلى الله عليه وسلم] كان الرجل الوحيد في التاريخ الذي نجح بشكل أسمى وأبرز في كلا المستويين الديني والدنيوي .. إن هذا الاتحاد الفريد الذي لا نظير له للتأثير الديني والدنيوي معًا يخوّله أن يعتبر أعظم شخصية ذات تأثير في تاريخ البشرية”. (العالم الأمريكي مايكل هارث)

12 09 2012

Translated: “The Muhammad [peace be upon him] was the only man in history who was in the highest and most prominent in both levels of religious and secular .. This Union unique unparalleled to influence the religious and secular together empowered to consider the greatest personal influence in human history.” (American scientist Michael Hart)

Just because he was influential doesn’t make everything he’s credited with saying true. On that same list was Karl Marx at #11 and Adolf Hitler at #35.

12 09 2012
12 09 2012
مسلم شريف بدينة

محمد بن عبد الله بن عبد المطلب، يؤمن المسلمون بأنه رسول الله للبشرية ليعيدهم

(The rest of this comment was deleted as so much verbose spam that adds nothing to the conversation about why some radical Muslims are willing to kill others because of a cartoon or other image -SJ)

13 09 2012

انا بحترم كل الاديان لان الاسلام امرنا بذلك ولكن هل الدين المسيحي امرك بان تفعل ذلك
ودخولك الاسلام دي حريه شخصيه

why they chose islam?

Hollywood girl converted to islam

13 09 2012

Okay, an impressionable, easily manipulated girl comes out of an abusive relationship and drug addiction to convert to a backward and repressive religion. So what?

28 09 2013

They say an intellectual can be beaten in an argument, but a stupid person cannot.

13 09 2012

ﻣﻦ ﻫﻮ ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﺬﻱ ﻳﺘﺒﻌﻪ ﺃﻛﺜﺮ ﻣﻦ ﻣﻠﻴﺎﺭ ﻣﺴﻠﻢ
Who is Muhammad that is followed by more than
one billion Muslims ?

(The rest of this comment was deleted as so much verbose spam that adds nothing to the conversation about why some radical Muslims are willing to kill others because of a cartoon or other image -SJ)

29 09 2012
Asad Rahim

Most of the Muslims today are indoctrinated from generation to generation and that was largely due to the oppressive and tyrannical rule of the man and alleged prophet Muhammad, who enslaved and forced conversion on all those that apposed him during his lifetime around 600AD! And as for the converts of today, well the only explanation I have is that people are crazy and do stupid things!

13 09 2012
20 09 2012

No one can even start to understand God. God is infinite. Forget ALL the religions on this earth.They are ALL WRONG.

20 09 2012

When the final day comes, God will ask you if you followed your religion’s rules
no matter what religion you belong to.

20 09 2012

C’mon man, it looks like you’re not even trying to make a rational argument now.

20 09 2012


20 09 2012

Lots of people draw them all the time. In fact hundreds and hundreds more are drawn every minute! Holy crap, what now?!

21 09 2012

We were sure that guys like you got the ability to draw crap like this but we weren’t sure that you could ever learn to live and let live! Creatures that can’t live without stepping on others or spreading foul insults and negative attitude are to be pitied! Just for the record, in 50 years time your precious Europe will be a muslim continent and your precious Great Britain oh lalala witnessed an increase of 90 times since 1951! And guess what? Your Danish folks’ cartoons lead to the X1000 times of leap in Quran sales and today this is true for France and England. For your information more than one third of Marseille, France’s churches were converted to mosques. Whether you like it or not most of today’s modern sciences from calculus to algebra to physics, engineering and even astronomy are the works of Islamic scholars! So yes go ahead and draw cause that’s all you can contribute and be remembered for.

21 09 2012

It’s hard to take you seriously when you completely miss the irony in a Muslim insisting that non-Muslims should “live and let live”. To be fair I think the people who draw these cartoons are certainly being provocative and maybe even rude, but going crazy burning things and killing people over a few stupid drawings is the very definition of a disproportionate response don’t you think? Remember, live and let LIVE.

Here’s an idea. If you could do us all a favor, please ask the more devout members of your religion to calm the fuck down and stop rioting and killing over some stupid cartoons and videos? Then I bet the rest of the world will be far less inclined to bait and taunt you because the more psychotic members of your religion won’t always lose their shit in ways that make for such riveting TV news.

25 09 2012

pls remove this pitche thank u

25 09 2012

Given many of the other messages I get here I appreciate your polite request. However I would ask that you please understand that the images here illustrate a point about freedom of speech vs. religious intolerance. As such I must respectfully decline your request.

24 06 2016

Helo, what you know about Muhammad(pbuh), where are you read & get knowledge about Muhammad (pbuh). What is the reason behind your hate of muslims,???????????

3 10 2012

الجهاد ………………..الجهاد…………..

3 10 2012

“Jihad Jihad”

Nice. I’m guessing you didn’t notice, that is the kind of response that inspired this mocking blog post in the first place.

7 11 2012
Sean Johnson

Super Jesus?? haha your making a mockery out of your own prophet LOL 😀

7 11 2012

You haven’t looked at the rest of my site yet have you? 🙂

30 11 2012

I think I understand why people would feel angry and want the post to be removed. No one want their belief or religion to be ridiculed, you have the right to be angry and express your anger. There are people that do not believe in any religion and find it alright to mock any religion. But, don’t you think you should let it go and ignore those disrespectful snarks?

The scary thing is the death threats is really out there…how can you justify killing people just because they have different opinion than you do?

PS. I totally agree with Jonathan’s comment! I hope all can be peaceful like you, whatever religion they believe in.

8 12 2012
Moiz Abid

Fuck all you people who hate Islam I don’t care do stupid stuff when you die we will see which religon is the proper religon when the world ends

12 12 2012

Easy there Moiz, don’t take it so personally. I don’t hate just Islam, I think ALL religions grounded in some sort of god are based in complete nonsense and worthy of contempt and ridicule. Islam is just one of many.

11 04 2013

If u all dont know about islam n our prophet so dont show your stupidity.
In Islam it teaches about respect peace kindness n about protecting our beliefs.
I also read bible and you know what i found?
Its only about sex sex and sex!
But nevermind,its been said all the haters hearts already blinded and black until end of the world and will rod in hell.

15 04 2013

I love how religious fanatics can find the faults in every religion and deem them to be nonsense…except their own.

15 01 2014

islam’s teaching on war is that if ur right is not given to u get it by a war…its simple there is no peace if justice is not given to u… Muhammad married a 9 year old ……. it was a custom… still lives on …. you cannot call islam wrong its different we think many of your western practices as inhuman too eg adultery

15 01 2014

I can absolutely call Islam wrong. You talk about justice and then have the temerity to defend the “custom” of Child RAPE?! It doesn’t get more wrong than that. What’s more, you’ve proven my point that religion can make otherwise rational people believe the most criminally insane ideas and regard them as little more than quaint “customs”.

Owning and killing wayward slaves used to be a “custom” here but that certainly doesn’t make it right.

Don’t be so profoundly stupid, just because something is a “custom” doesn’t make it acceptable, moral, or non-criminal. If Muhammad tried to “marry” a 9 year old in this country today we’d put him in jail like a common pedophile where he would be repeatedly molested just like he molested that 9 year old…and he’d fucking deserve it.

4 05 2014
BigDaddy ,")

Why do most “mudlims” (my quote) posting here cry out about thier “feelings” (mudlims quote) so much to the point that they look to offend as they have had thier ever so tender religous doctrine/sensabilities challenged by the “infidel’s”(mudlims quote) depiction of “mudhammed” (my quote). Seems a bit thin skinned if you ask me. Personnaly I wake up every day ready to die so as to be free of the burden of fear of death. Life is pain; proof that your alive. Stop swating at flies with scimitar’s/ flameable products. So mosques are taking over europe france especially, with an army of one billion devout folowers, this an ebb and flow. It was not always and will not be always true. Once egypt was the most christian proliferate nation on the planet. As religons power base’s grow and shrink so do the number of taken over temples first belonging to one than another. Thanks Rick Steves europe for the lessons on religous wars across history. As for judgement day being arround the bend, people have been predicting the end of the world since time began. Good luck with your wait for that, no one knows neither do you. If super jesus offends you its because your waiting arround to be offended. I find it comical that you havent realized the desert sucks move out. You cover your women because you dont trust each other, sad. Despite what your religon states its rules are baised on distrust of yourselves. You keep your women out of power so as to controll them nothing more, pathetic. Were born naiked so we should stay that way lifelong. If your convictions are so strong your willing to do violence to propagate it than your week. I own two firearms but God is my sword and shield. War is old men sending young men to die. Warpigs killing in the name of…. as though he needs you to. My arent those that would so full of themselves where is the room for God in them? No where for them God is a stick with which to beat and choke the world into submission, as tho God needs your help. How selfserving can a group be. All religons are flawed. I prefer to believe in the omnipotence of a gentile loving creator who will explainthe truth of his/her wisdom or lack there of personally without all of the cloudy nonsense so many propagate and tout as ” the only way or else doom and gloom. Shows fear and weakness to be angry and afraid. I have a muslim shop keeper I enjoy talking with. He tell’s me of his trips to his home nation where terroists rule. Smallwonder he came to America to get ahead. He tells me of the people who trashtalk my nation and how he tells them about Americas ability to piss all over them millitarly should we choose. Soon we will have robots fighting our wars on the ground. Good luck sending a robot to hell. With superior fire power we cannot be beat. As all things this wont always be true, however Im 36 and its all the truth I’ve ever known and I bet I will be dead before that ever changes. “Holy war” more like war premise full of holes. Good luck processing that all hatemongers and war pigs. To be clear “muddlims” equals warpigs, “muslims” equals peaceful people as lost as the rest of us and not afraid to admit it. Hypersensitivity is a female centric trait o bringers of pain, no offence to women. When your that way its no wonder you dont care to hear from your women, if you listened you might find your behaving as a petulant woman your selves. I read the entire blog. Same arguements throughout. Super jesus I feel you need to concentrate on debunking as opposed to repeating tired commentary. Fanatics if your facts are strong offer them as others have politely, otherwise whats the point of openended empty threats, that what schoolyard bullies do. Anyway as a parting thought to you all who might be offended by my commentary just remember I ment it with love. Peace be with you always. Lifes better that way. Finally to quote the late 2pac “only God can judge me” BigDaddy out ,”)

17 07 2014

Who do this..bldy nonscns,,rascl..

20 08 2014
houn alam

The hell always asking u “o disblievers, i’m your destiny,”.
o disbliever,see your holly book Bible to know who is MUHAMMAD (pbuh), for this click here-

20 08 2014

You’re confused, you’re not going to find too many atheists who consider the Bible (or any other book) holy, but thanks for playing.

7 01 2015

Great cartoons of the paedo profit.

15 01 2015

To kenji your mothers rotten cookie.and to the person who created this blog I banged your sister till she screamed and said “il become a muslim for you” hahahahahahahhaahah you fag

15 01 2015

LOL…seriously dude, you should write for Charlie Hebdo.

9 01 2015
John Martin

I think racial and religious unity is very dangerous for National unity and integrity. So we should avoid strictness of ideas of different communities and force to live like a common human being. We should hate the people and avoid them who spread religious hatred and force on religious beliefs. We should also hate orthodox people of any religious stream. We should believe in our religion but should not be strictly devoted to our conventions also should respect and honor other’s beliefs and religions.

9 01 2015
John Martin

This post must reach to those people who can’t change themselves but change their religion. And start following the same community rules and regulations without knowing the appropriateness. Well, I know that I have no right to blame them as if they would have been so wise why they might have done that. The fault is not of those who are not happy with their language, religion and culture or just are not interested in them; but the convicts are those who could not make the people understand the importance and value of Religion. And these convicts are the Society, people around you, your parents and your education who could not make you understand that the conversion of religion is not a solution but the conversion of thoughts and heart can really make a difference.

The people who change their religion, must be treated under a psychological diagnostics to reform their mind and ideas. Religious conversion not only affects a single person but whole society and world are also affected by this. People change their religion and then start fighting to protect it. If someone says something wrong about another religion he is treated as an enemy to all. And some of them think that the protection of nation is nothing against the protection of religion and thus they keep fighting with each other.

By damaging any Mosque or Church or by demolishing any Temple or public property nothing can be resolved; only our terms and relations will go worse. Such incidents spread hatred, jealousy and heinousness among us. That is why atrocities happen worldwide and ruins a lot of people and spoils the future of many children. There would be no COMMUNAL HARMONY in the world if everyone starts fighting for religions. At least in a country like India, it’s very shameful where the people of every religion live together. To abuse each other or to defame one another is very shameful thing. To revenge is not a solution but the pardon is a Godly virtue.

Such struggles and quarrels introduce our narrow-mindedness. This should be avoided and stopped. Please stop this violence and unfair commenting. War and revenge is not a solution of anything finally issues are resolved through communication and conversation. There is old saying “Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam” (The whole world is like a family). So why should we fight. I am highly surprised with the people who take a sword in their hand and kill the innocents just to protect the religion. How fool and superstitious the people are.

Perhaps they are not mistaken because they are educated and grown up in such an environment where people are already wrong. They are educated that only their religion is the best and rest of all is hypocrisy and nonsense. They are never educated that believe in you religion and respects others too. Alas! We could emerge our mind and thoughts out from the Narrow-mindedness and start living like a bird in the open air, where lines of control do not bind in logical and physical boundaries. Our patronage and education are responsible for our thoughts and nature also we learn a lot through environment and neighborhood.

Perhaps these people were grown up in an environment where people were not sophisticated, where people used to pray and worship but never helped the needy ones, where people used to bow for hours in the name of God but never saluted anybody just because of their ego and pride, where people forced to learn Bible, Geeta or Kuran but never followed ethics. People tried to improve and renovate the religious places but never tried to improve themselves. They developed the idea to spread their religion worldwide but could not develop the way of thinking about humanity. What about the betterment of human being?

We should forget our mutual quarrels and think about the poor people of every religion or every country. We must understand their bows and sorrows. We should not expect any help from government because they have no time to talk to us instead of fighting with opposition. We start abusing and criticizing government whenever we see a poor but never try to help him. We are not supposed to be ashamed after seeing such people but we are required to offer a helping hand towards them. If every rich man grabs the hand of a poor whether he is of any religion may end the entire race of poor from the world. You will not be ashamed after being a human also you will come to know that you are really great! Would you be able to do this?

9 01 2015
Amran Hussain

Praise be to Allah… I am pissed off as any one about the cartoons of prophet Mohammed (pbuh) but brothers and sisters of Islam don’t let these pathetic excuses for humans get you ranting and raving that’s what these people are trying to provoke you to do. I condemn any kind of killing of innocent people please protest in a peaceful manor..!!

9 01 2015

I appreciate and respect your comment. You’re a good man.

Now I just wish more people of all faiths could go one step further and see that their faith has been hijacked by liars and ultimately misplaced in gods that do not exist so that you’re proclaiming outrage over edicts that are all fictions. The reason I’ve posted so many cartoons is because they’re *just cartoons*. They are silly, they mean nothing, and truly hurt nobody. Your outrage is misplaced and you’ve been played for a fool by your religious leaders who are manipulating you.

We are all just human beings floating through space on a rock. There is no difference between Muslim or Jew or Christian or Atheist.


11 01 2015
Amran Hussain

I also appreciate what you are saying. However you must understand that there are people out there who solely aim to cause these conflicts. We are a civilized society it’s taken us as humans thousands of years to get here we must respect each other’s beliefs and appreciate each other’s emotions towards people who have left a legacy it could be prophet Mohammed (pbuh) or any other religious figure.

12 01 2015
Abu zubair

Read ‘ confessions of a British spy’…… hempher. You will know what is happening in this dunya and why.

13 01 2015
Farhan ansari

itz really a shame that u hurt someone religious centimnts. we r living in a modern and technological world bt vl stl like to make fun of other religious belief… u shud hav a look abt the life of prophet mohammed nd his belief….
i requst you to plz block these cartoon wich vl jst create a bad impression on prublisher nd the CHEAP MENTATALITY of dis post…
v hav ample of contents to make fun with cartoon characters insted of prophets or other religios gods and followers
i hope you vl block these pics and posts …
without hurting beliefs nd stop targetting islam nd its preachings

14 01 2015

Dear brother/sister,

We are all humans.all Religions come to guide humans. That’s all. Why you people disrespect Muslims and their prophet? This is our right, he is our valuable person and prophet. Otherwise every action has reaction!

Hope you understand

14 01 2015

Please don’t take it personally, but I see no reason to respect *any* religion because I see no evidence to suggest any religion is true. It’s a pretty weak “god” indeed if he demands his followers go and commit violence against people who draw upsetting cartoons. If a god (or prophet) is upset about being drawn badly then that god should be able to do something about it himself. If you can’t see how you’re being manipulated into being upset on behalf of a god that is either impotent or nonexistent, then you’re not thinking it through.

15 01 2015

You are pathetic. You should respect all religions you piece of feces. Go draw your mother as a cartoon

15 01 2015

LOL…that’s awesome!

15 01 2015

To whoever posted here about islam and swearing allah. You guys were born muslim but dont rellalise that may allah have mercy on you guys and one day you will come back to your true religion. And to tabbie who swore allah and all other people here why dont you guys come out in public and let me take your head of your shoulders

15 01 2015

Dude, you need to calm down. If a child drew a cartoon about *you* would you be so outraged that you would inflict harm on them? Probably not (at least I certainly hope not). So do you really think an all powerful all knowing being who regards us as his children would be that petty and vindictive? Plus, if god is all powerful why doesn’t he take care of punishing people himself, why does he need his followers to do it for him? Is he really that inept or incapable that he can’t handle all this himself? Calm down and think about it, it makes no sense.

Think for yourself. If there’s a god he doesn’t care what we draw. You’re being manipulated by your religious leaders.

15 01 2015

No where in the koran does allah say harm and kill its the muslims who take the law into their own hands. How would you feel if I had to draw a cartoon of jesus giving a woman doggy style

15 01 2015

Muslims are a thin skinned lot then. Go live your lives, I’m sure god is more than capable of defending himself against the horror of out of control cartoonists. He doesn’t need a bunch of idiots like you taking away his fun.

And for what it’s worth you could draw a picture of me fucking my mom for all I care, but I wouldn’t dole out any retribution beyond pointing out that such an insulting cartoon says far more about *you* than it does me.

15 01 2015

To the person who created this site… You’re a whore from my side :). I hope the people who attacked charlie and his bunch of bitches come for you next *rotfl* then I like to see who mocks islam after this. May yourll all rot in hell!!!

15 01 2015

I like the smiley face, it makes me think everything you write is actually a parody. That said, and I really hate to be the one to break this news to you, but the Charlie Hebdo attackers are dead so, yeah…no worries.

15 01 2015

May the almighty destroy every1 that’s against islam. And may yourll suffer and scream for eternity. I curse all of you

15 01 2015

Oh yeah? Well may the flying spaghetti monster make you spend an eternity eating delicious fettuccine alfredo…but with not enough sauce to dip your garlic bread in.

15 01 2015

SLet me frank with all you assholes we muslims are peaceful people. Charlie whatever is the bitch here because hthat organization started making fun of our prophet for no god damn reason and when we asked politely for them to stop our case was thrown out of court. So you tell me who’s the real bad guy here? From my point of view charlie and his bitches deserved what they got!

15 01 2015

Given this and your other posts I have no idea why anyone would get the mistaken impression that all muslims are anything but purely peaceful, you know, aside from the whole “If you don’t stop drawing insulting cartoons and saying mean things that hurt our weak and pathetic god’s feelings…we’re going to kill you” sort of rhetoric. Yeah, Islam is totally the religion of love and compassion. The rest of the world totally has you wrong.

You’re awesome. Please keep talking because you just prove my thesis with every ignorant angry word that dribbles out of your mouth.

15 01 2015

How would yourll feel if somebody would start destroying the image of jesus. How ars yourll any better that the attackers by destroying the image of islam. How are yourll any better by uploading pics of our prophet and defacing hos legacy. You are pathetic

15 01 2015

I already posted the most insulting picture I could find for every other major religion. Nobody has posted anything as angry or threatening as you nitwits. Seriously, go see for yourself.

No One Murdered Because Of This Image

I’ve even defaced a bible TWICE and nobody has made a peep in protest. Nope, I only get death threats from a few angry insecure thin skinned Muslims like you. Here are the links to save you from searching:

The Ultimate Place to Hide Your Stash: The Super Jesus Bible Box

My Family Recipe For Bible Bacon!

15 01 2015
Pansariang Sumardin

The more people who make their living by RUIN ISLAM, to feed the child and his wife

16 01 2015
Madira Felix

Its so painful to see all these cartoons in my mind with no doubt that attacks in France too place as these insults were too grave am even not Muslim.
Freedom of speech doesn’t mean upset the other party.
Some time they say when dialogue fails war takes over that why Charlie Hebdo attack could have been planned

16 01 2015

You’re wrong, freedom of speech *absolutely* means you’ll sometimes hear things you don’t approve of, anything less than that (that isn’t construed as a physical threat or inciting unwarranted panic) isn’t free speech.

Those who attacked Charlie Hebdo were defending the honor of their imaginary friend. It would be better that everyone who still believe in make believe gods, childish fantasies, and superstitious nonsense should just grow up and think for themselves for a change. It’s like being offended on behalf of Mickey Mouse, he’s just a made up character. Grow up.

17 01 2015

There is no god but Allah and prophet Muhammad is Allah’s massanger…we the muslim…we love Allah, we love Muhammad and Qur’an…read the Qur’an with meaning then know the Muslim…

17 01 2015

No god but Allah? Allah’s messenger is Muhammad? Yeah? Prove it.

17 01 2015

Muhammad (S.A..W.W)…. illetracy bring the darkness in masses and some sick minded people on the basis of freedom do such act which creat disharmoney and disturbance in the society and in the world at large…. I will just say I Love Muhammad (s.A.w.w) and i invite all the people around the globe to read the quran and to read about Muhammad (s.a.w.w) not believe what media reflect and make us blinde…. Think we are human and we can think….

19 01 2015

SuperJesus it seems u didn’t read Quran or have any knowledge on Islam.And u don’t reply simple what ppls ask but u reply in twisted ways.Nobody wants to kill the one who did the drawings and stop saying that.You are just too noob to understand all this.

19 01 2015

You might be perfectly rational and uninterested in killing anyone, but there are some radical extremist followers who take some of the Hadith teachings too far. So are you suggesting that the people who killed the 12 people at Charlie Hebdo weren’t radical Islamists? Are you suggesting that the people who killed Theo van Gogh weren’t radical Islamists? Are you suggesting that the people who tried to kill Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard or Salmon Rushdie weren’t radical Islamists? Who’s the truly naive noob?

19 01 2015

Look u are right at some point,but do u know that muslims are 2 kinds sunnit and shia, and shia are the worst idk they are not even muslims like in Iran etc.. extremists they should be killed asap they kill in name of allah,and in Quran says that u shouldn’t do that and u should forgive,and i think u didn’t know this,and u are insulting our religion with these photos and u ignite us,its like drawing u’r mom or sister like a pig or smth,then u would have reacted different but u don’t care bcz u don’t belive in any religion,even if muhammad didn’t exist u can’t convince us not to belive in Islam.No matter how hard non-muslims try they always fail and i didn’t hear any muslim ever converted in atheist or catholik only the opposite.Learn to respect all religions is the ppls choice what to belive u can’t do shit about it.And don’t u have any other jobs but posting drawings that are pure lies, u don’t have arguments just drawings like a 5 year old kid did.And remember in France when 4 different religions ppls went to walk on the road to show them that what means respect to eachother and they were from Albania like i am.But it seems that ppls in west forgot what respect means and make fun and insult too much.Soo disrespectfull person u are.

19 01 2015

I have no respect for faith and beliefs…only for ideas and knowledge.

20 01 2015

ok then why u post these photos are u trying to convice us to follow atheism ? Have a idea than a do smth more usefull for humanity not like this.

20 01 2015

If you bothered to read what I wrote about the cartoons you would know I tried to answer this already. I’ll save you the trouble of scrolling.

“Here’s the ironic part, as far as I know the Quran itself does not explicitly forbid images of Muhammad. Seriously, go look it up. There are a few supplemental hadith that have been written that explicitly prohibit Muslims from creating visual depictions of religious figures (including Muhammad) but since I’m not a Muslim I’m pretty sure I’m not even breaking those rules.

But this isn’t about the rules. This isn’t even about a paradoxical god who is apparently omnipotent enough to know that I re-posted these pictures but too impotent to do anything about it himself. No, this is about religious leaders getting their followers offended and incensed over nonsense slights in an attempt to misdirect the conversation away from the corruption of the leaders and the implausibility of their religion. All religions do this to one degree or another, it’s just that many Islamic leaders go way too far and goad their followers to murder.

I personally suspect that 99.9999% of Muslims would not even contemplate killing someone who drew (or displayed) these cartoons on the Internet. If that’s true then the only people I’m offending are the .0001% of Muslims who are irrational fanatical zealots who frankly should be mocked and ridiculed for holding such ridiculous beliefs. So mock and ridicule I shall.

By remaining silent in the face of such absurdity is to concede to their madness, and I will not. In doing so I hope to plant a seed of doubt in the believer’s mind that maybe all all these “truths” are simply ridiculous old stories which have no basis in reality and should be ignored.

It probably won’t work, but I somehow feel the need to at least try.”

3 05 2015
dumm m

This is why there is so much trouble, a bunch of under if ever educated fools that have only read one book. They even got the message in that book wrong. No wonder they are so angry at everyone, they must feel their stupidity has been discovered – how embarrassing, but should that give them a right to be violent? Is complete stupidity and ignorance a defense?

11 05 2015

Who is the prophet Mohammad?? Prophet Mohammad was sent from God as a mercy for the humankind..All the monotheistic religions complete each other..and as muslims we do respect all the religions and the saints and the prophets including prophet Jesus who was described in the Quran as “the soul of God” thus we are not enemies. The Quran has talken about the Jews and the Christians in a positive way “Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve” “Surely, those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah, in His Messenger Muhammad and all that was revealed to him from Allah), those who are the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians, – whosoever believed in Allah and the Last Day, and worked righteousness, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve”.. thus we are a religion of peace…
Do you know that prophet Mohammad was mentioned in th holy bible??

moreover the bible talks about a prophet who will come soon and who will be described as the illiterate and the prophet Mohammad was known as the illiterate because he didn’t received a common education like everyone yet ALLAH after announcing his prophecy ALLAH has undertaken the task of educating him. Thus the illiterate that the bible talks about in prophet Mohammad..
the book of Isaiah, chapter number 12, verse number 29″1 (actually, it is chapter 29, verse 12!) as a prophecy of Muhammad in the Bible. As Dr Naik quotes it, it seems an impressive prophecy:
“the book is given to a prophet who is not learned”2

don’t you ever think that what the Muslims are doing in our time, the prophet accepts it… it is impossible, Mohammad is the absolute mercy of God..
I will narrate to you a story that can be considered as a proof upon the mercy of Mohammad..
One of the jews was the neighbor of Mohammad. He didn’t like the prophet at all. He used to put the garbage at the door of the prophet each day.. one day, he didn’t put anything..thus the prophet felt anxious and said perhaps he is sick or he needs something thus he went to his house to see him. When the jewish man saw the prophet, Mohammad said to him I felt anxious why you didn’t appear today..the jewish man was shocked he said I was hurting you by that deed and you are coming to see if I am ok or not??!!!
This is prophet Mohammad … Mohammad doesn’t deserve to be humiliated like that and believe me if the prophet Jesus was humiliated like that Muslims would refuse this humiliation same as how they did with the prophet..
All those terrorists have nothing to do with the prophet Mohammad ..moreover, those terrorists will enter hell..those terrorists were at the time of the prophet the enemies of his household..those terrorists have killed the household of the prophet and they are killing you now…and they will never enter paradise as they think .,.they will enter hell and Mohammad doesn’t accept any of their deeds.
Mohammad used to feel hunger so that the poor people feel full..he used to help weak people, poor people, those who needs do not know what Mohammad is and how much he is merciful
“I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.” This verse is present in the Torah..ALLAH is talking with the jews about a prophet from among their brethren…”brethren” is a word that described the arabs and the ancestors of the prophet Mohammad. Arabs and jews are relatives. The jews are related to someone the arabs are related to his brother (sons of sam) that’s why word brethren describes the arabsthus the prophet who was mentioned in this verse is Mohammad

11 05 2015

So if Mohammad was cool with the guy leaving garbage on his doorstep don’t you think he’d be cool with some cartoons? Do us all a favor and read these passages to the more radical Muslims out there and get them to dial down their outrage a little. You’d be up for a Nobel Peace Prize if you pull that off.

11 05 2015

Sentences in parenthesis are the answer
that I re-posted these pictures but too impotent to do anything about it himself.
(Wait a little bit he didn’t forget you be sure and your chastisement will be ready the moment our great God wants)
ridiculous beliefs
(you do not know that our beliefs are the most true belief in the whole world…we have the only untwisted book and bible in the whole world which is the Quran…shame on you the Quran is the one book untwisted which reveal and includes the whole truth of God and monotheism…shame on you prophet Mohammad is the most sacred prophet of alll..why are you doing this?? What the prophet has done to you to do all this???? He killed you??? No ..those terrorists who kill people even if they were muslims they are contradicting the teaching of Islam and prophet Mohammad isn’t pleased with them…yet look at you you have made massacres in Amireca and britain agaisnt the initial people of the history you will see. Does anyone humiliate you or your religion because of those massacres? No ..that’s mean that you do not have the right to humiliate our prophet at all..shame on you)

11 05 2015

I don’t want you to think I’m singling out Islam for ridicule. I openly mock all religions and all gods because they’re all equally silly. This particular post is special because I’m mocking how *some* Muslims have the added disfunction that compels them to murder people who draw pictures or cartoons. It is one of the most easily and appropriately mocked beliefs I can think of.

And just to prove I’m fair and balanced I’d direct your attention to this other post that makes the counterpoint very nicely where I posted an image that should be genuinely offensive to all the other major religions…and nobody cares at all.

If Muhammad himself stops by to tell me he’s offended I’ll happily apologise and consider taking these pictures down, and we both know that isn’t going to happen. But what *could* happen is if/when the day comes when Muslims no longer go into homicidal outrage every time someone crayons a picture of a bearded man I’ll also happily take them down. I look forward to taking this post (and maybe even this whole blog) because that would mean having it up is no longer relevant or interesting to anyone (kinda like Family Circus cartoons). Unfortunately, for now, this is the highest trafficked post on my blog so apparently some Islamic followers keep making this topic relevant…so up it will stay.

12 05 2015

try to read my post above…why do u think all religions are silly don’t you think that there is an absolute force in the world that exists there and all the existence has come from it???? how could u explain the existence of this existence how did we came?? and from where?? these questions show that there was someone there who is responsible of our existence which is him anything u like God ALLAH supreme being anything but u need to believe in his could you explain the coming of new babies and the death of other people..from where the babies came from and unto where these dead are going??
we do not accept any offence like these huge offences and these cartoons out prophet is dear for us and we cannot accept this humiliation if you love your mother so much and someone came and draw her without clothes would you stay calm smiling to that painter??? be honest…of course not,..our prophet is dearer than our parents and we cannot accept this humiliation at all..our prophet is so merciful and tell u what do you see all these terrorists killing people..they will go to hell because the prophet cannot accept killing pple like that…he is an absolute mercy for human kind..he is very pure he used to feel hunger so that poor people eats he used to be injured and humiliated and he used to say OH ALLAH forgive those pple who hurt me..believe me he is a great human and the nations are so much in need for such a have surely done a really horrible thing and you should apologize for the prophet and the whole Islamic nation

12 05 2015

Yeah, all religions are silly, deal with it. Evolutionary biology easily explains many of your questions, and the parts that it does not explain simply remain areas of research yet to be discovered. Just because science doesn’t yet have an answer doesn’t mean “God did it!” is an acceptable answer because that doesn’t answer anything. There is simply no reason to think some invisible magic man “made” us. What’s worse, even if he did you’re still left with the question of where did “He” come from and what created him? Your “answer” doesn’t resolve anything and only creates more unanswerable questions.

And if you insulted my Mom and drew mean pictures of her I’d just think you’re a jerk but it wouldn’t cross my mind to hurt you for it. At worse I’d tell others about the things you said about my mother so others would also see what a jerk you are. Exposing your bad behavior and making it public would be punishment enough. Those who assault others over such insults only show how weak and pathetic their “god” is and that he cannot tolerate or stand up to such a minor insult.

So along those lines, fuck all the make believe characters out there. Fuck the Easter Bunny, fuck Jesus, fuck the Tooth Fairy, fuck Vishnu, fuck Mickey Mouse, fuck whatever God you worship, fuck Muhammad, fuck Justin Beiber, and fuck Allah.

Oops, sorry about Justin Beiber, he’s real. I just got a little carried away there.

15 05 2015

I will tell you something..for us prophet Mohammad is the absolute mercy of ALLAH. He forgives everyone even those who humiliated him..yet we Muslims do not accept this humiliation at all…talking about prophet jesus..weither he was crucified or not..when he was crucified as you say, he forgave the people who did this to him but you christians do you accept what they have done to prophet jesus from crucifying?? Of course not…does prophet Mohammad deserves to be humiliated like that?? Of course ..he brought a message from God to all people uniting the monotheistic religions judaism christianity and islam. Such a human deserve to be honored or humiliated….read what Mohammad has revealed to the people:
“Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve”
In which religion you see a unifying between 3 monetheistic religions????
Such a person should be honored or humiliated?
If the muslims felt angry because of this humiliation don’t you think that they have the right to do so?? It is their prophet?? If I come and humiliate your mother will you stay quiet and smile to me?? Of course…this prophet is dearer than our mother..which means the anger will be stronger..
Don’t you ever think that prophet Mohammad accepts those terrorists who kill people in the name of Islam, they are surely in hell..same as those who draws the cartoons are surely in hell
This prophet should be honored because he delivered a message of peace that lots of people didn’t understand
You are wrong religions are not silly. ALLAH has sent all religions to let people know him and he sent several prophets as a proof for his existance. Just tell me how were you born how will you become does the solar system works?? If there isn’t a supreme being, a supreme force, someone who leads everything, a leader how can everything works as it should? Why there isn’t any trouble in sunset or the sunrise? Who transform someone alive into someone dead?? All these shows that there is one God for all the humans who sent proofs for his existence as religions and prophets so this is not ridicule at all otherwise tell me how you will be dead..the Muslims are angry and this is their right to be because it was a big humiliation..tell me if you see someone mocking jesus will you ever smile to him?? You will kill him for sure..this is what the Muslims are feeling

15 05 2015

I’m guessing this one isn’t for me since you point this at “you christians”. Even so, your “proof” of god is sunsets, that people die, and a few people have claimed to be god or a messenger from god? That’s it, that’s your proof?

And say what you like about Christians, but Jesus gets mocked regularly (very frequently on this blog in fact) and nobody has threatened me because of those jokes, but read few the comments here and you’ll see more than a few death threats from unhinged Muslims.

You’re a moron. No wonder you still have imaginary friends.

15 05 2015

This is offensive ..shame on you ,…you should be shy because of your deeds..prophet jesus has endured to deliver the message of christianity for you and what was the result? You drew a humiliating cartoon for him. I am asking why are you doing this?? Those are cannot deal with saint as you deal with your friend…really you should be penalized

Now Muslims are telling you that our prophet has been offended..these are saints and we cannot accept our prophet to be humiliated like that , he is dearer than our parents..he is the face of mercy..Muslims are angry try to understand that..if now I craw a naked picture of your mother would you be happy?? Of course not this is our prophet we do not accept any humiliation wheather it is small of big

Well you will stay saying this has created this until you reach someone who wasn’t created at all and who was present all time.there is no time for his beginning because he was present since ever..tell me when you die unto where you go?? Why do you die?? Where does your spirit go?? Where do you go?? Why the sun doesn’t come from the west? Why it is impossible for the sun to come from the west and to set in the east? There is a impeccable system in the world which someone is leading it without any fault..who is that leader? Try to think
It is not a tolerance to accept humiliation..if I came and humiliate your mother you’d kill me before it..Muslims will not see this humiliation and then say “OH! How much the painter is bad!!!” this isn’t enough…when you do something bad, you enters to the jail and will be penalized for your actions…saying oh how much you are bad..isn’t enough…painters and publishers should be penalized
Shame on you ..this God has gave you everything from life from money from least he has created you in life..he gave you all these boons and made you healthy and gave you all nice thing and you are insulting him…..fuck everyone who insults our Lord ..our Lord is not a tooth fairy ..our lord exists truly exists..the Lord of Moses, Jesus, Mohammad (pbuh)>>this lord exists ..and your existance is from him..he can give you the existance and he can make you should thank him not insluting him..unto where you are going after this life?? And who is responsible of your death..shame on do not even have the right to insult him afteer he gave you everything?? Shame on you

15 05 2015

“Why the sun doesn’t (sic) come from the west?” Seriously dude, your level of irrationality and ignorance is straight up embarrassing. You’re on the Internet, you should go Google up some porn and let off some steam because you have some serious anger issues.

17 05 2015

Yes because you are not responsible of yourself there is someone who has created you and who will make you die…did you create yourself by yourself??? No do you know which time you will die?? You don’t know..which one is responsible of your death??? Obama?? There is a supreme being call it anything..the most powerful power, the one who created everyone and he is not a creation which means no one has created him God call him anything but he exsists everything in this world is a proof for his existence..since you cannot control anything in life since you cannot change things in this world including sunset and sunrise this means that there is a God who has no match and who is controling everything including your birth and your death
Well if they didn’t threat you that doesn’t mean that you are right you have no right to insult people especially do not have the right to insult prophet Jesus or prophet Mohammad…Prophet Mohammad is a sacred person to cannot say this is freedom I want to insult people..In your west world, if someone insults anybody or bothers anyone the other person can call the police and sue you see this small bothering can bring the police…why don’t you call this freedom? Insulting others isn’t a freedom? Why don’t you consider offending the prophet a fault which people should be penalized on it???
You have no right to treat our prophet like me even if you do not believe in Islam or in religions…prophet Mohammad was a man of peace, he was a man of justice, he was a man of charity..everyone used to see him as a great man… he used to help people all the time..he used to spend his money, his food, his boons on poor people..he used to take care of old people of sick people of weak people…does a man with such personality deserve to be humiliated??
Another time freedom isn’t humiliating people..those who drew the cartoons should be penalized and those who moke other saints also..try to understand this body accepts to be humiliated…if I draw your father naked would you accept that..if I did it and let everyone on the internet laugh for you accept it? Try to understand
((“Why the sun doesn’t (sic) come from the west?” Seriously dude, your level of irrationality and ignorance is straight up embarrassing. You’re on the Internet, you should go Google up some porn and let off some steam because you have some serious anger issues))
Do you know why you said that?? Because you ran out of proof….because you do not know the answer
Try to make the sun come from the west??? You don’t know..try to google it, you will have no answer ..ask the scientists you will have no answer…scientists didn’t reach a stage to explain why does the sun some from the east and they didn’t reach a stage to change this truth..try to make the sun rise from the west or try to make her sink in the can’t
This means that there is a supreme power with absolute power that controls everything and has a control over the whole existence which is God

18 05 2015

So because I can’t change how the sun rises there must be a god. Ummm, right.

More importantly (and more on topic) you’re essentially telling me that prophet Mohammad was a man of peace and justice and charity…but if you draw a cartoon of him we will kill you, you know, out of respect for everything he stood for. Sorry man, that just makes no sense at all.

18 05 2015

well since you cannot change everything in the world this means that there is someone over there who has the absolute power to control everything..since you are weak in front of these things that means that you should confess that there is someone more powerful than you who is controlling every details in your life…this is why you guys can never succeed in your speeches when you try to deny the existence of God..because your existence is a proof itself of the existence of God ALLAH supreme being…
As for the prophet he was a man of peace. the issue is that we cannot accept the humiliation for our prophet…even if our prophet was peaceful, was a good man for that reason he doesn’t deserve to be humiliated like that..try to understand why we are angry?? who is that man that we are sad because of him? this is our prophet and the ones who draw the cartoons should be penalized as soon as possible because if they weren’t penalized, other people will have the courage to draw more humiliated cartoons…and that is something we can never accept..if they were penalized others will not have the courage to draw more cartoons

19 05 2015

Sorry fatima but nothing you say makes any logical sense. My being unable to change everything in the world doesn’t inherently mean “therefore God exists”, it just means we are a tiny insignificant species on an average planet circling an average star and we are not the center of the universe.

Speaking of stars what is more likely, that god made us all special and important yet he wasted incomprehensible effort to make the vastness of the universe and filled it with billions and billions of stars and planets and even black holes (which are essentially invisible) just so we would have something pretty to look at at night OR is it just that the universe is incredibly vast and so out of all that vastness (at least) one little average planet around an average sun by chance just happened to have the right mix of attributes that life could come out of its primordial chemical mix and eventually evolve into all the forms of life we see today? We are one tiny improbable result of an immense and vast universe, nothing more.

It also makes no sense that you would honor the teachings of your humble kind and forgiving prophet…by killing. If Muhammad himself forgave all the horrible insults and injuries inflicted against him directly why would you think he would be pleased to have his so called followers do the exact opposite and react violently to such a silly and inconsequential offense as a cartoon? That makes no sense. You do not honor the teachings of a peaceful man by being violent in his name, you react with peace and the cartoons stop. The only reason people draw offensive cartoons is to provoke you into violence and show how foolish and upside down your “religion of peace” is.

Your inability to accept these simple logical facts is why my page is here and to hopefully engage you and others to reconsider the absurd folly of religion and violence.

22 05 2015

Mohammed’s shoes is more important than you and your whole family 🙂 one day, you will know that very clearly and you will be in the hell with your freaky friends who said bad things about our prophet

22 05 2015

Dude, I’ve already been told I’m going to hell in twelve other religions. Get in line.

26 05 2015

Stop attacking Islam with this pictures and those are not just scratches on paper the things you draw shows your deep feelings and from this what I saw I can tell you are an Islam hater also if you love peace like Jesus does you wouldn’t post this pictures to anoy others for example would you like if I draw pig and wrote your mothers name on it ? Of course you will hate me why? Because humans have very strong feelings that you should never play with them if you are peace lover ask god to clear your heart from hateness try to respect others if they don’t like from others to scratch on papers to draw their prophit don’t do it plant peace instead of hateness who knows maybe if you weren’t make these scratches thousands of people may haven’t died see how this simple scratches effect on our emotions and life’s say something good about others and if you can’t just leave them

26 05 2015

You should actually read my explanation in my post. I cover most of your points in there.

29 05 2015

But since you cannot control urself that means that there is someone more powerful than you maybe the most powerful being who is responsible about everyone ..this powerful being is God…no one controls the universe but how the universe is controlled in a most perfect way isn’t that thing makes you think who is the controller???
Everything in the universe has its importance even black holes …everything has a role in that universe but who made all this ?? who controls all this??? Why there is a sun for us and why our planet circulates around it?? What if we didn’t have a sun or a moon??? Everything is made by a perfect hand which is the hand of ALLAH God…but who told you there is no life out there like ours?? There is lives out there like us but we didn’t discover yet this life and its creatures
You are right..Prophet Mohammad didn’t ask us or teach us the idea of “killing people”…the teaching of our prophet is to have mercy on people to help people to be kind to them to help poor to help sick people…trust me those who kills people are in no way in the heavens or in the paradise..they are for sure in hell…the prophet may forgive the ones who did those cartoons but we muslims cannot accept this humiliation..if someone humiliate ur mother and ur mother forgives him would you be okay with her?? No you’ll say I want to take revenge for you..why you still consider humiliating the prophet as a normal thing…you cannot humiliate people like that then say what have I done to them??? If he forgives we cannot accept … do you know why the painter should be penalized?? Because if he wasn’t penalized people will have more courage to humiliate more and this is your countries these countries that talks about freedom if someone insults another man, this man can call the police and sue him am I right?? Why a simple insult can take its caller to jail and humiliating the prophet is considered as a normal act of freedom
You are right no body will choose violence no body will kill no body, just stop those painters and those cartoons and we will live all of us peacefully…we do respect our prophet’s teachings and believe me those who calls to terrorism are in no way the followers of the prophet at all..all what we want is to stop this humiliation and these cartoons..that is it…is it difficult??
Our religion is a religion of peace but you cannot tell Muslims to stay calm without expressing their anger towards those cartoons try to understand that …tell them to stop drawing cartoons and we don’t want to kill anyone…just stop the humiliation

29 05 2015

Honestly, I can’t tell if you’re just stupid or profoundly brainwashed, but your logic is so fundamentally flawed it’s impossible to have a rational conversation with you. Maybe someday you’ll actually read the rest of my comments in this thread and understand. Until then I’ll add more cartoons as I find them and you can keep praying to your imaginary friend.

29 05 2015

the Islam is the only religion that respect and call to accept all monotheistic religions including Judaism and Christianity…do you want more peaceful religion than that??

29 05 2015

I want no religions. Rational thought and discourse would be far better than any fairy tale imaginary friend.

31 05 2015

Dear Mr. Muslim

I am ever so sorry that our utilization of the non violent, satiric means of expressing our anger over your repeated attempts to murder our women and children has so egregiously offended you. As show of good faith and reciprocity for your own tolerance a day best efforts to live harmoniously with us all, I hereby pledge that I will never again draw the image of Mohammed. Instead, I will content myself with another expression of both my creative genius and the angst I feel when you murder people for no reason. I will henceforth begin drawing cartoons portraying Allah, instead. Of course, we don’t know what such a “god” would actually look like, if in fact he decided to have an appearance, and so I will render him in various forms that I feel befit one so venerable as he. At the moment I am thinking of a pig with breasts and a very tiny penis for which this swine thing over compensates with violence. I’m not a big fan of the Pope, but I have a feeling that an image of him engaged in coitus with mohammed whilst such an alla-creature pleases itself would be a perfectly valid and likely accurate depiction of big Al’. You know, if he actually existed outside the mind of a shepherd named Mo’ with syphilis he got from his flock.,

I will now take my leave, knowing full well that while this post would likely inspire in you a murderous rage and impotent fury that can only be calmed by murdering women and children, we are perfectly safe because not one of you posseses the intelligence to comprehend a word I’ve written, as evidenced by the fact that of all your comments on this site, not a friggin’ one of you has any goddamned brains.

3 06 2015

why are you doing this??? first our God doesn’t resembles anything he is unseen second what had gone done to you why you are always trying to humiliate our religion and our saints,,,is that a freedom of speech?? if I draw a portray for your mother like a pig would you accept it???? Our God is a merciful God he is a generous God ..he is unseen with no form because he is not like us..he is something else…he gave you everything from health wealth money everything and u keep humiliating??? shame on you and on everyone who try to humiliate our God and our prophet..our prophet used to feel hunger so that poor people feel full…our prophet used to help weak people to be kind to those who are grieved..he was a man of peace a man of charity…trust me those who kill people are in no way practicing our prophet’s teachings..the teaching of our prophet is all about peace and how to serve God and to serve humans especially poor people..our God and our prophet doesn’t deserve to be stop all this cowardly things

3 06 2015

do you control this world??? why proud infidel??? who is responsible of your existence?? who is responsible about all this world?? why there is no faults in this world?? why the sun always rise from the east?? each day..can you change this thing?? no..that means there is a supreme force, God who is controlling everything including your existence

3 06 2015

Do you doubt your existence??? If you do you can doubt the existence of God..if you believe that you exists that means that it is impossible to doubt the exsistence of God…isn’t that a logical discourse or what???? Do you want more rational thought than that?? I asked you do you control your self?? Do you control this universe?? Ur answer is no that means there is a necessity for a supreme force supreme being to exists which is responsible of all those things that you cannot do.,.just tell me how do you exist and you doubt the existence of the one who gave you this same existence???
Another thing, why you keep trying to put these cartoons??? This is a big humiliation that cannot be you like people to humiliate you??? No so why are you humiliating people?? Prophet Mohammad is not a normal person..he is a prophet , a saint a man of thought a man of peace..stop all this and try to respect the feelings of Muslims….you should do that before it is tooo late

5 07 2015
umar abdul razak

You show face and i will who am, son of a bitch you need Allah’s mercy. A day will come and you wished you never said so. by then you will be in a pit of hell.

5 07 2015

Hey there Umar, thanks for writing. I know my reposting these cartoons and typing words about them is very confusing and upsetting to you. Sorry about that. Since all these words are very scary to you I have a little thought experiment that might help calm you down.

Realize that while you might not know who I am, Allah and Muhammad certainly do. So after all these years of posting more and more pictures and writing about them neither of your invisible friends have imparted their wrath upon me. Why do you suppose that is?

(pause here to contemplate that while your favorite music plays)

Ok, I doubt you figured it out yet so here’s a hint. It could be that both Allah and Muhammad are actually cool and don’t care enough to punish me (and just maybe neither should you) OR they don’t exist and you’re all worked up over some bronze age nonsense. That or they do exist but they’re so pathetic and powerless that they cannot punish me, in which case why would you worship such worthlessly impotent entities anyhow? In any case you should think it over, maybe relax a little, and quit obsessing over some poorly drawn cartoons.

16 08 2015

he was prophet of God.. for God’s sake…. don’t do this… pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

16 08 2015

All due respect…nope. Please see my comment just above yours for further clarification.

22 09 2015
Abrar Ahmed

Truly, Allah is most tolerant & merciful. U’ve got no idea abt the depth of the sin u’ve committed. No religion preaches to make fun of others in any manner. I dont want to abuse u wit dirty words since my islam doesnt allow me to do that. I can only ask Allah Subhana wa ta’ala to show d right path to all those who are mislead.

22 09 2015

Hey there Abrar, thanks for writing. It’s a little confusing to me when you have “Allah is most tolerant & merciful” followed immediately with tacit threats because of “the depth of the sin (I’ve) committed”. I continue to find it surprising how my reposting some drawings and typing words about them is so upsetting

Realize that while you might not know who I am, Allah and Muhammad certainly do. So after all these years of posting more and more pictures and writing about them neither of them have imparted their wrath upon me. Perhaps Allah and Muhammad are indeed most tolerant & merciful and don’t care enough to punish me (and neither should anyone else) OR they are angry but are apparently powerless to punish me (and why would you bother to worship such impotent entities)OR they don’t exist and you’re all worked up over some ancient made up age nonsense.

In any case you should think it over, maybe relax a little, and quit obsessing over some poorly drawn cartoons. Have a nice day.

3 12 2015
Muhammad Hasan SHAIKH

Don’t u dare to say any word to our prophet inshallah Allah Azande u wil get soon if u hav daring personality meet me on ur place then I wil show u the power of Ali !!! I m warning u(guys ) again not say anything to our prophet if ur hip hav power then meet us !!! We will shows how is our prophet !!

22 06 2016

After posting pictures for years your all powerful Allah hasn’t done anything to me. You guys have been duped, your “god” is just a lame fictional story. Grow up and think for yourself. Don’t be a rube.

14 12 2015
amjad fatmi

You are in big danger of hell awaits , allah is big, and if you do not stop to draw these pictures you be dead .it our prophet
and Allah is with us hhhhhh

22 06 2016

Whatever dude.

24 12 2015

എന്‍റെ ഭാഷയില്‍: പരമ കാരുണികനും, കരുണാ നിധി യുമായ അല്ലാഹുവിന്‍റെ തിരു നാമത്തില്‍. സര്‍വ്വ സ്തുതികളും അല്ലാഹുവിന്നാകുന്നു. അവന്‍റെ രക്ഷയും, കരുണയും പ്രവാചകന്‍ മുഹമ്മദ് നബി(സ)യിലും,കുടുംബ ത്തിലും, അനുചരന്മാരിലും, അവരെ പിന്തുടര്‍ന്നവരിലും ഉണ്ടാവട്ടെ. സുഹൃത്തുക്കളേ… നാം മനുഷ്യരാണ്. ഒരു മാതാവിനും, പിതാവിനും ഉണ്ടായവര്‍. നമുക്ക് ഒരു ഭാഷയുണ്ട്, നമുക്ക് ഒരു രാജ്യമുണ്ട്, അതൊക്കെയും ചേര്‍ന്നതാണീ ഭൂമി. നമുക്ക് ഒരു ജീവിതം മാത്രമല്ല മരണവും വരാനിരിക്കുന്നു. ആ ജീവിത-മരണ ത്തിനിടയില്‍ കടന്നു പോകുന്ന പ്രവര്‍ത്തനങ്ങളാണ് നമ്മുടെ ഭാവി തീരുമാനിക്കുന്നത്. ഇവിടെ ഒരു പ്രവാചകനെ കളിയാക്കിക്കൊണ്ട് ഒരാള്‍ ചിത്രം വരച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു. എന്നാല്‍ അത് കൊണ്ട് അയാള്‍ക്ക് ഒരു നേട്ടവും ഇല്ല. ആര്‍ക്കോ വേണ്ടി കര്‍മ്മങ്ങള്‍ ചെയ്യുകയാണ് അയാള്‍. ആ പ്രവാചകന്‍ ചെറുപ്പം മുതല്‍ തന്നെ ഒരു കളവ് പോലും പറയാത്ത വ്യക്തിയായിരുന്നു എന്ന്‍ നാം അറിയണം. അത് പോലെ ജനിക്കുന്നതിന്ന് മുമ്പ് പിതാവിനെയും, ആറാം വയസ്സില്‍ മാതാവിനെയും നഷ്ട പ്പെട്ടവര്‍. എന്നാല്‍ ആ പ്രവാചകന്‍(സ)യെ അല്ലാഹു ഉയര്‍ന്ന പദവി നല്‍കി ആദരിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു. ഇന്ന്‍ ലോകത്ത് ഓരോ നിമിഷങ്ങളിലും പറയപ്പെടുന്ന ഒരു പേരുണ്ട് എങ്കില്‍ അത് മുഹമ്മദ്‌ നബി (സ)യുടെ പേരാണ്. ഭൂമി ലോകത്ത് അദ്ദേഹത്തിനു കിട്ടുന്ന ഒരു അംഗീകാരമാണത്. പരലോകത്തും അങ്ങിനെ തന്നെ. അത് അല്ലാഹുവിന്‍റെ വേണ്ടുകയാണ്. സത്യ ത്തെ അറിയുക, സത്യത്തില്‍ വിശ്വസിക്കുക…. മനുഷ്യരായ നമ്മുടെ ജീവിത വിജയത്തിനു ഇത് തന്നെ മാര്‍ഗ്ഗം…. അള്ളാഹു കാത്ത് രക്ഷിക്കട്ടെ… ആമീന്‍.

22 06 2016

bla bla bla

19 11 2016
Abrar Humid


3 01 2016

Gussa nhi Khan bhai…

24 06 2016

Why govind ask for Gussa nahi what he asking all bullshet

24 06 2016

If you have a courage so come on for manazra where you want, only one scholar of us Dr.Zakir Naik can reply you of each your question. It is very easy to write & draw dirty pictures & comments in dirty words against any one including God it is all due to you have dirty mind & it is your mind set. If you are educated person & belong to educated family & nation then you did not insult of any one & religious. But you are like animals & animal do not know what is good what is bad, animals only know how give them food like dog know his master because his master give him piece of bon/meat. You are more cheaper than a dog. You have gotten big piece of bon therefore you are barking against others. Shame on you as human.

24 06 2016

After posting pictures for years your all powerful Allah hasn’t done anything to me. You guys have been duped, your “god” is just a lame fictional story. Grow up and think for yourself. Don’t be a rube.

Have a nice day!

28 06 2016

Hello, what you know about Allah & Muhammad(pbuh), where you from read & get knowledge about Muhammad (pbuh). What is the reason behind your hate of muslims,??????????? Is your god/ religious teach you to insult of others religious & god & prophet???????????? is it

28 06 2016

This is a Google translation to Arabic of a portion of the original post where all the pictures are posted. Maybe this will help.

وبقدر ما أعرف أن القرآن نفسه لا يمنع صراحة صور محمد. على محمل الجد، والذهاب للبحث عنه. وهناك عدد قليل الحديث التكميلي أن يكون قد كتب أن تحظر صراحة المسلمين من خلق مشاهد بصرية من الشخصيات الدينية (بما في ذلك محمد) ولكن بما أنني لست مسلما أنا متأكد من أنني لست حتى كسر تلك القواعد.

ولكن هذا ليس حول القواعد. هذا ليس حتى عن إله المتناقض الذي على ما يبدو القاهر يكفي أن نعرف أن هذه الصور أنا إعادة نشرها ولكن عاجز جدا لفعل أي شيء حيال ذلك بنفسه. لا، هذا غير عن الزعماء الدينيين الحصول على أتباعهم بالإهانة وغضب على الازدراء هراء في محاولة لتضليل المحادثة بعيدا عن فساد القادة واللامعقولية دينهم. جميع الأديان تفعل هذا لدرجة واحدة أو لآخر، انها مجرد أن العديد من القادة الإسلاميين تذهب الى مدى بعيد والمهماز أتباعهم على القتل.

أنا شخصيا أعتقد أن 99.9999٪ من المسلمين لا يستطيعون مجرد التفكير مما أسفر عن مقتل شخص وجهت (أو عرض) هذه الرسوم على شبكة الإنترنت. اذا كان هذا صحيحا، فإن الشعب الوحيد الذي أنا الإساءة هي 0.0001٪ من المسلمين الذين هم المتعصبين تعصبا غير عقلاني الذي بصراحة يجب أن سخر ويسخر لعقد مثل هذه المعتقدات السخيفة. حتى وهمية والسخرية سأفعله.

بالتزام الصمت في مواجهة هذا العبث هو الاستسلام للجنونهم، وأنا لن. في ذلك آمل أن زرع بذور الشك في عقل المؤمن أنه ربما عن كل هذه “الحقائق” هي ببساطة القصص القديمة السخيفة التي لا أساس لها في الواقع، وينبغي تجاهلها.

فإنه من المحتمل أن لا تعمل، لكني أشعر بطريقة أو بأخرى على ضرورة أن يحاول على الأقل.

28 06 2016

05-year-old girl is the youngest mother in the world
Published Jun 22, 2016, 4:32 pm IST Updated Jun 22, 2016, 7:31 pm IST

She delivered a baby boy via C-section in the year 1939.

Lina Medina gave birth to a baby boy at the tender age of just five years and seven months in the year 1939. (Credit: YouTube)

Teenage pregnancies are something that are still quite common in most parts of the world despite laws prohibiting underage marriage. But the youngest mother to give birth in recorded history is shockingly a girl old enough to be a kindergartner. Lina Medina, a Peruvian girl, gave birth to a baby boy at the tender age of just five years and seven months in the year 1939.
Lina Medina, 5, was even found to have fully developed sex organs. (Credit: YouTube)
Initially Lina from Peru’s Andes was taken to the doctors because of an abdominal swelling which her parents suspected of being a tumour. But tests revealed that Lina was in fact seven months pregnant, according to First To Know. Dr. Gerardo Lozada even observed that the little girl’s mammary glands and sexual organs were fully developed at the time. Lina delivered a baby boy via a C-section on May 14, 1939 and named him, Gerardo, after her doctor.

Lina Medina with her son and Dr. Gerardo Lozada. (Credit: YouTube)

In the beginning, young Gerardo grew up believing that Lina was his elder sister and only came to know of their true relationship when he turned 10. Although Lina’s father had been arrested by the police on suspicions of incest and rape, he was later released due to lack of evidence. The identity of the man who made Lina pregnant was never determined.


28 06 2016

So you think it’s okay that your supposed prophet was a pedophile and raped a nine year old little girl just because one slightly sicker pedophile raped (and impregnated) a five year old girl? Dude, the issue isn’t that it’s wrong to rape little girls because they can’t get pregnant, the issue is IT’S WRONG TO RAPE LITTLE GIRLS! What the hell is wrong with you?!

7 07 2016

this all wroung .

12 07 2016


12 07 2016

No 9 year old child understands what sex or marriage is, nor are they able to fully consent to either thing as an adult might. By definition any sex with a child is RAPE (married or not). To even suggest that marrying a child is a good excuse to allow raping them just makes me think you’re a sick human being.

Your prophet was a pedophile and a child rapist and you sound like a pervert for worshiping and defending such a disgusting degenerate. Think for yourself and stop listening to your so called spiritual leaders who fill your head with such nonsensical garbage.

17 07 2016
Swami Nikhilananda(True Hindu)

Truth is one but sages call it by different names…some says it Rama,some Krishna,Some Nirvana,Some Jessus…but they all are pointing to the same God…

True core of Hindu Religion….

Truth may be stated in millions of ways and each and every path is true….
-Swami Vivekananda…

My personal viewpoint is that though I believe all religions are true but I personally never accept Islam and muhhmad as a messenger of God….
Every religion contains error even in my religion Hinduism…but sorry to say Islam is full of errors….it has maximum error content…..

17 07 2016

…or it’s much more likely they’re all silly fictional stories with the occasional grain of obvious truth thrown in to win a little undeserved credibility.

31 08 2016

Hindu .hahahaha
Whr does dis religion full of cartoons n imaginary characters came from
Each n every religion eg Jewish Islam n Christianity r interconnected which r the biggest religions
But hinduism ..just gimmi a break.lolzzzzz

31 08 2016

Oh yeah, all those other religions with their made up stories and invisible elephant/man/godin the sky are so silly. They’re nothing like my religion with a basic invisible man/god in the sky, which is totally true and not silly at all.

31 08 2016

There is only 1 god
And the way changed from Adam to prophet muhammed saws

We should respect each and every religion
Jesus followed his(the almighty) command n preached so was the Christianity. .
The came prophet Muhammad saws n folowed the his(the almighty) command
Soo once upon a time there was 1 Muslim 1400 years ago and nw Islam have become the 2nd largest religion ..
And soon will become first as the people wiL understand the truth
N to tell you America and UK is the place where the rate of conversation is highest according to google .Alhamdulillah

31 08 2016

Wake up man, it’s all bullshit. You’re being played for a fool.

22 09 2016

Bro check urself
U r being fooled yourself

22 09 2016

I checked…nope, it’s you dude.

18 11 2016
Anti Islamhinduchinese

Fuck Islam mother Fuckers! Kill every moslems you meet anywhere anytime!!! Shit on their face mofos!

21 11 2016

Yeah, not a very coherent or compelling argument there. I’m all for reasoning people out of their backwards religions, but killing them for it is pretty stupid.

18 11 2016
Anti Islamhinduchinese

Fuck them all ha ha mother fuckers low lives pigs fucking cunts I really wanna kill em all ha ha and give their corps to my dogs!!!

21 11 2016


8 02 2017
Justin Johnson

I wouldnt feed my dogs that scum, might makem sick. Lol

19 11 2016
Abrar Humid

Muslim people respect!

3 12 2016

you post all such things bcz you are frightened in the development of islam.(true and perfect reason in your mind which you shall never agree to).we will see after few 100 years and then compare our positions.
good day

4 12 2016

I post such things because I find the irrationalities of religion to be the biggest threat to humanity. That said, if you and I are here in a few hundred years to discuss islam I’m guessing science will have far outstripped all religions and found cures to our most intractable diseases. Here’s hoping we can have a coffee together in 2116. 🙂

4 12 2016

I like your Christ but I do not like Christians for you Christians are noting like your Christ.

4 12 2016

Ah that Gandhi, quite the social commentator.

8 02 2017
Justin Johnson

Well said

9 01 2017

I am a Muslim. I do not know why you hate Islam and our Prophet Muhammad. I know you’re not a Muslim and does not know anything else about Islam, but you make your own assumption that Islam is so despicable in your eyes. for you know, Islam does not mean the ways human or animal but a Muslim to submit to God. I hope you be pessimistic about islam..Assalammualaikum

25 05 2017
Fuck Islam

because i don’t want to be killed for being christian or practice any other religiion apart from Islam, because i don’t want my gay friend be killed because of his sexual orientation, because i don’t want my wife to be sold as a sexual object

This is what islam promotes, violence, rape, murder, etc… this is the reason i hate your disrespectful religion and your prophet muhammad (shit be upon him) You muslims dont realize the prophet muhammad is the antichrist of the the Bible leading tons of people to the gates of hell

19 01 2017
Maira khan

Stupid.if you can’t respect any religion.then don’t even make fun of it .I will pray to ALLAH to put you in hell.I swear you will pushed into hell.I promise still have time ask forgiveness to him. Because he is almighty and merciful.

25 05 2017
Fuck Islam

islam is the religion which doesn’t respect any religion at all, Jesuschrist is the son of God

8 02 2017
Justin Johnson

This planet has too many monkeys, too many machine guns and too many gods! At this rate, mankind will go extinct before we are ever accepted into any galactic order if any exists. America is Great

27 02 2017

Hi all,
I just checked all cartoons.
Now i ‘ll read and reply to all comments.
Hope you ‘ll read these, comments by a true follower A Muslim.

11 03 2017
naeem haider


11 03 2017
naeem haider

our beloved prophet muhammad saw is great and matchless personality we love him very much and salute him.a person who draw cartoons and pass insuiting remarks against great prophet should cry for God murcy and forgiveness.otherwise after death reality would be clear .our prophet is not ordinery personalty for any type of discussion hated cartoons and insulting plus teasing remarks .he is king of prophets and very very close friend of God Alimighty and meet directly with Gog Almighty as near as human pls i request all of u be repect our beloved prophet muhammad saw and salute him millions of time and i myself salute hin bellions and trillions of time pls turn towards God Alimighty say loudly God Almighty we love u and ur beloved prophet muhammad saw.thanks

12 05 2017
Hamba Allah

Astaghfirullah. Hope Allah give your hikmah for taubat…

30 05 2017

this earth is good.
but after earth is not good.

8 06 2017
Sahad noushad

Fuck of you bladdy bicth fuck fuck your ******

One time u say LA-ILLA HA ILLALLA

2 08 2017

OMG are these pics of God and the NOT so holy spirit banging 9 years old mary cause she was the only one who was knocked up? LOL OMG so funny! cause there are no details of aisha’s marriage consummated at what age but 9yrs mary was roaming around with a baby bump after doing the nasty 😉

So let me get this, you believe God created the whole universe and then nailed a 9 years old Mary and had Jesus who in turn nailed another child and went on making billions of illegitimate kids. No wonder christians are all bastards! Aren’t you people going to thailand to have sex with children? Is that why you think everyone must be like you bastards? Hell you lot have the highest numbers of raping your own kids!

Quran has set minimum age for marriage as when anyone boy or girl reaches puberty. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) never did against Quran! If age or women were important to Him then He would have easily got the most beautiful woman ever created at the most perfect age. Why did He choose to marry old, widow, divorced women with kids who were rejected by below average men at that time! Was it to set example that women and their kids should be given love and security no matter the age and status? Your ancestors killed their new born daughters which was stopped by only Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H).

According to wikipedia, Aisha died at the age of 64, 40 years after her husband’s death which makes her 24 and a 9 years marriage makes her 15 at the time of marriage. Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H daughters were engaged at the age of 5 and married at 9. Does that means girls had reached puberty by the age of 9 as Miss Mary was knocked up at 9! By God! LOL!

Do some research on your joke of a religion. Islam is way beyond your pathetic brain that relates everything to sex and money. Next time when you want to think about holy sex, imagine your god and the holy spirit banging 9 yrs old Mary! If god wanted a human pregnant, he had to follow human way of conceiving a baby!

Seriously you people are pathetic! Jesus cant have kids as he is pure and pure things dont have sex with humans but daddy is a god who had a kid with a human? Don’t worship idols but hang puppets of jesus and mary in every corner? Do you ever look for facts or truth instead of running after nonsense??? You want facts, READ QURAN. The only authentic 1400 years old book unlike bible which has been altered 3 times so far. Grow up and ask real questions about Islam. Muslims know their religion and LOVE ALLAH AND PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PEACE.BE.UPON.HIM). I accepted Islam after completing my research on all religions. If you have a brain then look for reality otherwise burn in hell. Surah Baqrah in Quran says scums will stay blind and deaf to knowledge of Islam. Guess you are one of them 🙂

29 08 2017

After seeing all the cartoons, ( some were funny, while others just… nonsense, I mean not well done) and after reading some comments. I wanted to add my views on the topic. About Islam, is not a blind faith in God, and we don’t live every minute thinking about the afterlife. We do however, live thinking on the concecuences of our actions, and we try doing the best that we can as human being. Now, that doesn’t mean that we are the best people on 🌎, We certainty don’t believe that, nor that Islam is the only religion aceptable. In fact, the Quran ( our scriptures guide) specified that God wanted people to follow different ways ( you may interpret this as following different messages like Christianity for example, or different ways of thinking) The other important point to clarify is that we as Muslims are expected to try and get knowledge as much as posible( first obligation on the Quran), wich means to use the reason, and everything available to understand better our world and fellow humans, we don’t take things as come, we must question everything. Our Quran is a guide for a good life in earth and the afterlife. Nothing is imposed on you as a Muslim, you may follow what is suggested or not, is your problem. The only thing that you need to do to become a Muslim is to recognize that there is a supreme being creator of the universe and that Mohammed is his last prophet, what you do after or how you do it is your business. Now it is also important to clarify that there are people with questionable agendas who takes parts of scriptures out of context to convince people of little or not knowledge.( this is very common, even with Christianity), And lastly, about the cartoons and getting sensitive about any nonsense. We don’t do that, ( by we, I mean people who use both the scriptures and our brain to understand our faith) God in my view, doesn’t need anything or anyone to defend him. It will contradict our belief in his power if we start thinking that we have to punish people for not thinking like us. That is pure stupidity, I am sure that the God that I believe in, not Mohammed takes offence on this, he surely takes offence on the actions of the ones that are contaminating Islam from within. So is ok to think and believe or not believe on whatever works better for you. A real Muslim, respects others way of thinking, applies our beliefs just to ourselves, and we don’t have the obligations or the power to make others follow our religion. ( as many non- Muslims had probably already notice, unlike Christians, we don’t even go out to preach!…. So please brothers and sisters of our human family, Muslims don’t want to convert you. For Us, only God can fix the way to one side or other.). And about the life of prophet Mohamed, don’t be quick to judge. We have to study and understand better History, culture back then. In that context we sure can can judge accordingly. For example, I come from a mix, Native american, Spaniard, African, Latino Culture background, my grand mother was married when she was 10 she told me that, it was normal in her time. So, every culture is different, it shouldn’t take to much from us to even if you don agree on everything at least understand each other. Peace and love to you all, from someone who doesn’t know much about anything ( ex Catholic, ex Christian, ex Atheist, now Muslim 🙂

12 07 2018

you all shall perish and suffer here after

27 08 2018


17 10 2018

After following this post for 7 years, I’ve found out that my religion islam is bullshit and it followers we are assholes stupid murderers who have no sense of reasoning. We have no tolerance, We kill people for a very useless reason which doesn’t even concerns us we are horrible set of people, we Muslims are the problem of this world. I was able to snap out of this illusion I am free. Am going to end this by saying fuck Allah, Fuck Muhammed, Fuck Jesus fuck any thing That claims to be the creator and saviour of this world. Damn!! it feels Good to be free.

P.s (I was ready and willing to behead The op of this pictures when I first saw them. To please My Imaginary Allah)

21 10 2018

Well I’m glad you didn’t follow through with that beheading thing. And FWIW, I agree that all gods are thus far unproven and worshipped entirely without merit or evidence. If anyone can come up with good evidence that Thor (or whoever) is legit I’ll happily concede I was wrong, but until then…

14 03 2019

In the name of ALLAH the most creatious the most merciful.i am very worry about you cuz paradise will be full and hell will be full of people staying in forever and that person who goes to bunishment will be some one.imagine just me one person could be me or you.

31 03 2019
El Lil-U

Fuck Allah

26 07 2019

At Least We Islam Dont Praise And Worship A Prophet…Atleast We Dont Just Copy Like Your Religion Did,Prophet Adam And Your Religion Just Call It Adham,Prophet Isa And You Worship Him And Is Call Yesus…May Allah Give You The Truth,The Painful Truth…Just Go To Google Translate And Type Allah…Can You Translate Yesus And It Says God???…Haha Too Bad Christian…You Fail Again

30 10 2020

Muslim you are all pig…

30 10 2020

foolish Animal humans. cant Muhammad fight for him self, must you behead people… stupid religion made by man to enslave human mentality. if you insult Jesus wait for your Kama….

23 07 2021
Minted lemonade

I am a muslim, I got offended by these drawings but I don’t really care in the end. These rules were made to be applied to us muslims so anyone who isn’t can do whatever they want really, and god help them in the end. I 100% agree with you, finally I see someone who has a level head and doesn’t support islam at the same time.

9 10 2021

What will happen if I draw a pig character with Jesus on it’s head for fun, and then released it all over the world?

Is that really fun to insulting a religion?
Did your parents told you to insulting the other religion when you grow up?
If you won’t to get mocked, then you should be quiet.

25 11 2021

dr kola kolawole, male psychiatrist had been convicted of second degree felony, forcible sexual abuse, and third degree felony forcible sodomy molestation of three juvenile patients at the ontario facility where he worked and sexual assault of a highschool girl in a park.

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