Good Christian Marriage

3 06 2009

How Would You Feel?

30 05 2009

Republican Douchebags “Protecting” Marriage Again

30 06 2008

Remind me again why it is that marriage only needs protecting from the gays around election season?  Oh that’s right, it’s because Republicans have no positive accomplishments to point to so they once again drag out the old dead horse that is the gay marriage ban to get the conservative bigot vote out to the polls.  Like clockwork, but much more cynical…and more gay.

Most of the ten sponsors are pretty predictable but there are two Senators that ooze especially pungent hypocrisy for sponsoring such an amendment: Sens. David Vitter (R-La.) and Larry Craig (R-Idaho).

Jesus’ General made some fantastic ads to help the Republicans promote the effort.

Larry \

David \

Evangelically yours (in a completely heterosexual way),

Super J.